What specific style or movement in Jazz are they most well known for?When and how did they first reach public recognition? How popular were they?

-What instrument do they play? -Where and how did they get their start professionally? -What specific style or movement in Jazz are they most well known for? -When and how did they first reach public recognition? How popular were they? -What other well-known musicians did they perform or record with? -What song(s) and/or recordings are […]

Discuss the concept of “worthy and “unworthy” as related to the general public, availability of services, cost/benefits, etc. Who defines who is worthy or unworthy? What criteria have you identified to determine worthiness? For example, how do you know that a group is considered “worthy” or “unworthy?” (Social workers do not consider any human being “unworthy,” nonetheless we don’t meet the needs of groups of individuals. Given this, how are these groups considered “worthy?”)

Part A: Identifying and explaining social problems DUE 10/11/20 Identify a social problem. Explain the criteria you used to define this as a social problem—how do you know it is a social problem, not private issue. What are the values laden in the definition of this social problem? Using an ecological framework, offer explanations about […]

What is your own personal opinion about mothers who breastfeed in public? Should this be done in private? What are some barriers for women to breastfeed in private?

here’s the link to the website to read in order to answer these question the link above is for these questions below 1. Are New Yorker’s supportive of breastfeeding in public? 2. What is meant by support for breastfeeding and comfort with breastfeeding in public? 3. What does Table 1. tell us about the demographic […]

Explain how the power of the media helped shape public opinion, leading to democratic change. Be sure to cite examples.

Paper details: The Vietnam War, explain how the power of the media helped shape public opinion, leading to democratic change. Be sure to cite examples. Keep your response to fewer than 300 words. **See the video: The Pentagon Papers by Daniel Ellsberg** Paper requirements; Organization: Writing directly addresses all parts of the question and incorporates […]

Compare the structures of public schooling in the countries you selected and the United States. What are the similarities and differences between these 3 countries’ public school structures?

Select 2 countries, other than the United States, that you are interested in learning more about. Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following: Identify the structural organization of public schools and the leadership structures in public schools for the 2 countries you selected. Compare the structures of public schooling in the countries you […]

Identify a public to which you belong.Describe how this public is constituted through rhetoric. Provide multiple examples of rhetorical activity—of voices, or texts, or events, or platforms (website, podcasts, etc)—that bring this public into being.

Think about the readings on the public sphere and how that relates to your own life. FIRST PARAGRAPH: Identify a public to which you belong. Use two of the concepts from the RCL chapter on publics to characterize this public. This paragraph should clearly demonstrate that it is a public, but also use other concepts […]

Write a 1- to 2-page report regarding your overall experience with QlikView and provide a brief comparison to Google Public Data.

Use the attached data file to create the hospital dashboard as shown in the Qlik Hospital Activity document. Answer the 10 exercise questions at the end of the document. Write a 1- to 2-page report regarding your overall experience with QlikView and provide a brief comparison to Google Public Data. Submit the exercise question answers […]

Choose one artwork made in the years 1850-1965 that is part of the permanent collection of the MFAH or Menil Collection and write a 3-4 page formal analysis of it. You may choose to work on an outdoor sculpture on the campus of either museum if you wish; both of them have public sculptures that are accessible right now.

Formal Analysis Paper – Assignment Instructions For this assignment, you will choose one artwork made in the years 1850-1965 that is part of the permanent collection of the MFAH or Menil Collection and write a 3-4 page formal analysis of it. You may choose to work on an outdoor sculpture on the campus of either […]

What is the public agenda surrounding the Public Policy?Is the policy appropriate or in appropriate?Explain

Instruction: Choose  two public policy issues and answering the questions below, compare and contrast their impact on Business. You may choose any local or state enacted public policies. You must have a minimum of 5 references supporting your research. You must include the following: What is the intent of the public policy (implicit and explicit) What is the public […]

How can existing and emerging technologies inform and enhance administration and delivery of Public Sector services, i.e., What is possible? How to maximize?

. Overview Fifty billion things will be connected to the Internet by 2020—which has powerful implications for public policy, public demand and expectations, and therefore the delivery of public sector services. Item Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to: Evalute how the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, […]