create your own thread and discuss at least three concepts presented in or that you learned from the video.

Information Technology Question After watching the Modern Disaster Recovery Workshop: Developing an IT Disaster Recovery Plan videoLinks to an external site., create your own thread and discuss at least three concepts presented in or that you learned from the video. (In-text citations in the paper must follow the formatting guidelines in the Publication Manual of […]

Write the Method section of your research paper to include participants, measures, procedure, research design, and data analysis.

PSYC 431 – Senior Research Seminar in Psychology The introduction criteria were Write a concise introduction to your research project that includes: Introduction of the problem area, The importance of the problem/topic, an Introduction of the independent and dependent variables and their relationship, Statistics of the number of people or events affected by the problem, […]

Can the outcomes be measured through standard care?

Evidence Based Practice Guideline: Irritable Bowel Syndrome Utilize the National Guideline Clearinghouse databace to locate an Evidence-Based Practice Guideline, related to your topic identified in Module 1. Must include title page, intro paragraph, body with headings for each topic below, conclusion and references page. Use the below headings in order to properly organize the paper […]

Why should you choose Cybersecurity as a Career?

Offer Your Initial Thoughts Your initial response this week must include the following information, which will allow your instructor and your peers to provide you with timely, effective feedback on your search strategies and possible sources: Your research question-Why should you choose Cybersecurity as a Career? A list of the keywords you used to search […]

Is any one moment of the novel’s reputation more valid or authentic than the others?

Clark Barwick writes in his article, “A History of Passing,” that “each successive generation [of readers] has actively and even literally projected its own needs, desires, and anxieties” on the novel, such that the “record of publication and reading provides us with critical insight not just into the shifting interpretation of an important novel but […]

Describe which innovation/change your organization is proposing to implement and why.

Health & Medical Question Select a health care organization with which you work or are familiar. Assume you are the public relations director for your selected health care organization. You have been asked to prepare an article on several recent health care innovations or changes for an industry publication, describing why your organization proposes to […]

What are the similarities and differences you can identify between your two sources?

In your major, or a discipline you choose for this project, conduct some quick research to find two sources or publications that are somewhat representative of the discipline. Some examples could be a scholarly journal article, a web resource, or a report or professional document of some kind, though what you find will depend on […]

Explain why the publication in a Refereed journal articles is more difficult than Professional journal articles.

Assignment Questions;(15Marks) Question 1:(5 MARKS) Prepare a questionnaire (Minimum 10 questions) for a survey/interview on the question you came up from the activity you did in assignment 1 that is Q2( Write a description of the research problem you propose to investigate and explain why you chose this topic. Question 2.(5 Marks) Explain interview methods […]

What is a problem that you could address in this setting by doing some research about it?

Identifyung your question. This assignment has two main parts. The first part asks you to narrow down your focus for a research question this semester, and the second part asks you to briefly describe two sources from the literature that you were able to find that relate to your question. 1) completeness, 2) thoughtfulness on […]