What do you imagine is important to understand about the writing in your chosen career or your academic major in order to participate in the conversation of that discipline or community or field of work?

Project Three Overview Project 3 asks students to develop a Reflective Analysis of 3-5 pages, based on the reflection prompts provided in P3.6. In Projects One and Two, you explored what research is, how to conduct it, and how to present research in an academic essay. In Project Three, we are considering what writing and […]

Discuss the degree to which your background experiences and values/beliefs have prepared you for the program.

Describe your interest in the program, your past work in your proposed or allied fields of study, including non course education experiences, teaching or other relevant employment, publications, theses, research in progress, other scholarly activities, and your plans for graduate study and a professional career. Lastly, discuss the degree to which your background experiences and […]

What critical information could a security administrator or manager gain from this document?

Using a web browser, go to http://csrc.nist.gov. Click the SP800 Series (Special Publications) on the left-hand side. Find SP 800-100. Review the local download. What critical information could a security administrator or manager gain from this document? What other publications do you see on the list that can benefit a security administrator or manager? Select […]

Identify the geographic regions you would focus on to attract these applicants and explain Why?

Wk 5 Assignment In this assignment you own a company – you decide the industry and give it a creative name.  You employee 1000 people and are facing the need to increase the level of tech skills in your Technology Division. What skills/positions are you trying to fill?  Name two specific roles and describe the […]

Do men and women each face unique double standards of aging? If so, why?

Describe what is meant by the “double standard of aging.” Discuss the evidence for and against it. Do men and women each face unique double standards of aging? If so, why? Book for course is The Psychology of Sex and Gender Jennifer K. Bosson, Joseph A. Vandello, & Camille E. Buckner, 2019 SAGE Publications, Inc.

Write a 4 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of a selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing.

Topic: the use of technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing Write a 4 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of a selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing.  

Discuss the commonly held understanding of captivity in war experienced by POWs.

Instructions Week 5 Assignment POW Review Paper The experience of captivity carries stresses that are unique in the broad discussion combat and combat related trauma. Examining the conditions endured and methods used to survive such conditions is necessary to gain context of the POW experience. In a your paper, examine the psychological and physiological stresses […]

Explain challenges you might face as a researcher in identifying a proper data set or securing permission to use it.

To prepare: Consider a variety of population health problems and then select one of professional interest on which to focus for this Assignment. Explore three data sources (data sets) presented in the Learning Resources that could aid you in describing the population and magnitude of the problem you selected. Consider the strengths and limitations of […]

Describe why it is not possible to reach the goal with the present strategy.

The research paper is on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. After you read about it here https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/ and you also read this UN article https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/07/1068551 This one https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/10/1103412 and, especially for Goal 13, this one: https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/11/1104542 You should choose one out of the 17 SDGs. For your paper use the UN sources but also independent […]

Describe the ways in which the Federal Reserve adjusted money policy tools in response to the financial crisis of 2007–2009; assess the success or effectiveness of those adjustments.

Week 8 Assignment – The Federal Reserve Overview The Federal Reserve offers to the general public numerous publications available on the Publications page of the Federal Reserve Board website. The Federal Reserve Board testimonies, press releases, monetary policy reports, the Beige Book, and a variety of other publications offer a detailed assessment of current economic […]