Describe the response and how you would evaluate it based on the Barcelona Principles.

Discussion: Good/Bad Publicity Provide an example of a case when an organization benefited from something that “went viral,” and compare that to a case in which viral communication harmed an organization. To what extent did the organizations have control of the channels? Describe the response and how you would evaluate it based on the Barcelona […]

Define the terms ethical practice and corporate governance. Describe how they are related?

Question. Retention of workers has been the main topic of interest in the media during 2020. Some organisations have come under scrutiny for inappropriate practices in terms of how staff were managed and protected during the COVID-19 event. In the past year there have been many reports in respected media outlets such as The Australian, […]

Do you think this strategy is effective? How would you capitalize on, add to, or change the strategy to maximize positive publicity? How would you diffuse negative publicity? Ongoing strategy – what do you recommend for ongoing public relations and media relations strategy (one-on-one exclusive interview, press release updates, CSR program).

Understanding the role of media and public relations strategies are critical to success. By scanning current events on a broad range of topics, you will have the opportunity to analyze how the particular issue/topic is being managed publicly. To that end, you are to submit one current event + press release summary, focusing communication strategies, […]