Describe in detail the type of substantive analytical procedures that would be used for these account balances and why this would be an effective test of the account balances.

Obtain the financial statements of a company with which you are familiar. The Annual report or 10K report of a publicly-traded company would be a great resource for this problem. Identify specific account balances for which substantive analytical procedures would be appropriate and discuss your reasoning for selecting these accounts. Describe in detail the type […]

Create an equity report on a publicly traded healthcare company through understanding the business model and financials then using the acquired information to forecast fair value for the organization and provide a recommendation.

Create an equity report on a publicly traded healthcare company through understanding the business model and financials then using the acquired information to forecast fair value for the organization and provide a recommendation.

How should society treat people with a criminal past-what extent should people be able to leave their criminal pasts behind them?

For how long should criminals be publicly labelled as such? Discuss with reference to writings on criminal records. Recent research in the USA and Europe has drawn attention to the serious disadvantages a criminal record brings. In the UK, there is a live debate and ongoing legal battles around the question of how long people’s […]

How does a health care provider indicate the obligation of providing care under a managed care contract that has been paid in advance?

Comparative Summary Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following: How does a health care provider indicate the obligation of providing care under a managed care contract that has been paid in advance? In a publicly traded organization, does the valuation of owners equity represent the worth of the organization to its owners? Explain […]