Select an article on a case of fraud in complementary or alternative medicine or any kind of healthcare fraud.

Fraud Article Select an article on a case of fraud in complementary or alternative medicine or any kind of healthcare fraud. The article must have been published within the last 5 years. Write a 2-page summary of the article, including key elements. Include your reflection of the case of fraud in the conclusion of your […]

Why were these descriptions effective-What did they do for the piece?

First Police Stop,” by Hanif Willis-Abdurraqib (pp. 656-659), is a descriptive piece. Write a paragraph in which you analyze “First Police Stop” and explain who you think is the intended audience (Hint: look at where it was first published) and what the main idea (or topic) is that the author is trying to get across. […]

How do contemporary cultures resonate with LeGuin’s story?

Published in 1973, LeGuin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” offers a fantasy of a seemingly perfect society…until you look more closely: Then you discover a more sinister cast. If happiness is so conditional, are the means ever justifiable? Examine the situation LeGuin presents. How do the story’s details contribute to its effectiveness? Now […]

Describe three (3) ways in which you can positively impact your clinical practice and patient care outcomes with your chosen CCs.

Describe one of the IOM Core Competencies (CCs), and the impact it has on patient care outcomes. Research the CC in peer-reviewed, scholarly sources (at least three (3) sources in addition to your text, and all peer-reviewed sources must be published within the past five (5) years) and reflect upon these articles to form an […]

Prepare a “statement of the issue” (300-500 words), supported with information drawn from your selected scholarly sources.

Topic 8, you will be completing a policy brief related to one of the content areas covered throughout this course. You will use this literature review to complete your policy brief for Topic 8. Select a social issue/problem with a clearly delineated topic in one of the 10 social welfare content areas and identify a […]

Identify at least four sources for information about your topic.

Topic: Writing Assignment. Annotated Bibiliography Identify at least four sources for information about your topic. These can include primary sources (Links to an external site.), secondary sources (Links to an external site.), or tertiary sources (Links to an external site.); you must include at least two secondary sources. You can use either online or hard […]

Which projects did you undertake, what technical aspects were put to use, and what did you learn from them?

Pharmaceutical Studies MS Statement of Purpose Stage 3 Practical Experiences What relevant practical experiences have you had during or after your Bachelor’s degree? Answer the following questions: Which projects did you undertake, what technical aspects were put to use, and what did you learn from them? Discuss all conferences, seminars, workshops you have attended or […]

How can recognizing the ways we participate in perpetuating inequality move us toward a more equal society-Describe-provide an example.

Writer’s Choice What can we do as individuals to address and achieve social change? In your essay, you should also answer the following three questions: Hill Collins (see readings) argues that we often fail to see how our own ideas and behaviors perpetuate some else’s oppression. Can you think of some ideas or behaviors (your […]

What are some of the emerging threats-how could they potentially manifest themselves?

The Future of IoT Read “The Internet of Things (IoT): An Overview ( Then prepare a 1,000-word paper that substantively addresses the following: As a future security or emergency professional, how do you believe IoT devices will be impacting our profession in the near future? What are some of the emerging threats and how could […]