Given what you’ve learned, do you believe you have a moral responsibility to change your purchasing behavior with regard to this company or product?

Company/Product Research The Assignment: For this assignment, you will choose a company or product that you patronize or purchase regularly (Note: due to oversaturation, you may NOT write on any of the following companies: Amazon, Publix, Chick-fil-a, or Nike). Do some research into this company or product, through the lens of consumer ethics. How are […]

Did the company need to form a partnership or strategic alliance to support the implementation of its strategy.

Individual Assignment 5.1 Research a woman or minority owned small business (in the United States) that recently introduced a new product or service. You cannot use a company strategy that was previously used. Prepare a brief analysis of the company’s strategy while discussing the following issues: 1. The type of strategy employed to introduce the […]