Does positive reinforcement predict a better outcome than punishment?

Topic: Modifying aggressive behaviors: Does positive reinforcement predict a better outcome than punishment? Research Paper: Your research paper should provide evidence for the hypothesis that positive reinforcement produces better outcome, while maintaining a null hypothesis. Components of your Research paper: Abstract of paper (half page max) Final paper (Approximately 10-12 pages) Appendix A – All […]

Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis outlining the potential drawbacks of using punishment in this situation.

Assignment Content Punishment is used to decrease the chances of a behavior continuing. It can be used by adding something undesirable or taking away something desirable. It is important to be careful when using punishment to modify behavior; there may be drawbacks to certain types of punishment. In this assignment, you will explore those drawbacks […]

With this research in mind, what is your opinion on the effectiveness of spanking as a form of punishment?

Respond to the following in a minimum of 150 words: In operant conditioning, punishment is used to decrease the chances of an undesirable behavior continuing. The use of spanking as a form of punishment has been a controversial topic for some time, and the debate continues.Research the use of spanking as a form of punishment, […]

Is punishment always effective in sustaining the norms of high contributions in a repeated public good game? Discuss under which conditions the effectiveness of punishment is undermined.

Topic: Behavioural Economics Essay: “Is punishment always effective in sustaining the norms of high contributions in a repeated public good game? Discuss under which conditions the effectiveness of punishment is undermined.”

What do “Valedictorian” & “Pushout” suggest about our potentially unique expectations for Black girls? How does this compare/contrast to Howard’s arguments regarding Black boys?

Description Answer some/ all of the following questions: Week 8-Specific Questions: What do “Valedictorian” & “Pushout” suggest about our potentially unique expectations for Black girls? How does this compare/contrast to Howard’s arguments regarding Black boys? What do Lhamon & Samuels argue about racialized inequalities in school punishment? What does Davis suggest as an alternative to […]

Compare how classical and positivist criminology theories will explain James’ offense. Keep the focus on what would they consider his motive for the mass killing.

On July 20, 2012, 25-year-old James Holmes opened fire in a Denver theater at a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises, killing 12 people and injuring 70 others. First, compare how classical and positivist criminology theories will explain James’ offense. Keep the focus on what would they consider his motive for the mass killing. […]

How is global poverty related to key human development issues such as life expectancy, health, education, and literacy? Elaborate on your answer.

How is global poverty related to key human development issues such as life expectancy, health, education, and literacy? Elaborate on your answer. Describe the four major goals of punishment: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. Analyze how the term “punishment” differs from the term “corrections” in terms of how criminal behavior is handled. Erik Wright has […]