Research and discuss how a diversity of views have transformed American society using any literature from the Puritanism to Enlightenment time period.

Research and discuss how a diversity of views have transformed American society using any literature from the Puritanism to Enlightenment time period. Research and discuss the role of women in Victorian England and how/why women’s status seemed to decline despite the earlier feminist writings of Mary Wollstonecraft from the Enlightenment. For this research question, you […]

How was Northern European culture (thoughts, ideas, etc.) different than Italian culture during the time of the Renaissance? List at least three differences.

Step 1: Watch this lecture introducing this week’s material (8 mins.): Step 2: Watch this video about the Renaissance in the North (14 mins.): Step 3: Read the first few pages of Chapter 16 of the textbook (pp. 543-559) and “Story 55” by Marguerite de Navarre (pp. 566-567) Step 4: Respond to these questions: Question […]

Analyze Puritanism’s connection to the religious tenets of Calvinism by examining the Puritan texts we read this semester. How do texts such as Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” and Mary Rowlandson’s captivity narrative reflect Puritanism as a culture, religion, and political belief system? This prompt would perhaps, via the texts we’ve read, focus on explaining such things as the affect such ideas as total depravity, predestination, and limited atonement had on Puritan culture.

Choose one of the following writing prompts below and write a 5-6 double-spaced page essay (1250-1500 words) that fully answers the prompt using literary analysis (argumentation via textual citation). Prompts: * Analyze Puritanism’s connection to the religious tenets of Calvinism by examining the Puritan texts we read this semester. How do texts such as Bradford’s […]

Why do you think Hawthorne was interested in Bradford’s account of Merry Mount and its history? How, perhaps, does the history and demise of Merry Mount contradict or, at least, significantly alter the historical image of Puritanism that often accompanies descriptions of America’s colonial past?

Why do you think Hawthorne was interested in Bradford’s account of Merry Mount and its history? How, perhaps, does the history and demise of Merry Mount contradict or, at least, significantly alter the historical image of Puritanism that often accompanies descriptions of America’s colonial past?