What was confusing or less interesting that you would cut from each episode?

Written Press Release Review: What are the major results presented in the Nature article? How well did each press release cover the major results accurately? Explain. A simple story is critical for communication with the public. Did the press releases provide a simple story? Explain. Good communication must target either the “who knew?” elements or […]

What action that anyone took related to the course did you find most puzzling or confusing?

Assignment: Course: PROJECT DELIVERY APPLICATIONS Now that we have reached the end of the course, it is time to reflect on our experiences (a/k/a lessons learned). Reflect on your learning and experience related to this course, then draft and post a response to the questions below. End of Course Retrospective At what moment in the […]

Did you find any part of the speech to be especially striking-What aspects of the speech made the strongest impression?

McRaven’s Advice on Living a Good Life and Making the World Better This discussion assignment relates to Admiral McRaven’s Commencement Speech delivered at the University of Texas. In his speech, McRaven gives ten pieces of advice based on lessons he learned during Navy SEAL training. His hope is that his advice will help us both […]