Identify the date and location of the speech in your string.

Randomly select one of the “35 Greatest Speeches in History” ( using the following snippet of Python code import random print(random.randint(1,36)) Next, copy-and-paste the entire section from the website (including the title) and use it as your text string for the following regular expression exercises. Turn in your regular expression Python code solutions in a […]

Could you  write down the outcomes of the Python code on the screen without running it in Colab?

Q1:It is he interval informative for a 5-star rating variable? Q2: Would you say that Fuel_Type is relevant to Price based on the side-by-side boxplots on the screen? What is your basis? Q3: Hands-on Practice II: Could you  write down the outcomes of the Python code on the screen without running it in Colab? Q4: […]