Write a code in python using the above parameters with proper documentation and also a detailed report involving all the steps that have been taken to acheive the goal.

PPP loan Fraud detection using python PPP Loan Fraud Detection: The aim of this project will be to explore loan data from the Paycheck Protection Program administered by the Small Business Administration which relief to small and medium-sized businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main goal of this project will be to develop graphical visualizations […]

Develop a Python Script that performs LSB data hiding using the True Color Image Provided.

Python Question Develop a Python Script that performs LSB data hiding using the True Color Image Provided. Create simple covert communication capability within the true color image provided. You will be using the Python Image Library (PIL), the true color bmp file provided and the simple code book provided here. link to files: https://we.tl/t-bNdOIy2DLc  

Create a standalone Python script that will act as a TCP server. 

Assignment 10 – Create a TCP Server Instructions After Reviewing and Studying Chapter 2 in Black Hat Python, create a standalone Python script that will act as a TCP server.  The server will accept connections on port 5555 from TCP clients operating on the same local IP range as the server.  The server will receive […]

write the python script to implement a binary and multiclass classifier to estimate whether a network package belongs to an intrusion attack or not.

write the python script to implement a binary and multiclass classifier to estimate whether a network package belongs to an intrusion attack or not. The dataset contains observation of 22 attacks and one dataset of normal network activity. Each record within the dataset contains 41 features.