What are some norms and values that are important to that background?

Culture + Socialization Reflection Think about your own cultural identity (which is Qatar) Do you identify as multiple ethnicities? Do you belong in any subcultures? Answer the following reflection questions in 2-3 paragraphs. Be sure to utilize language from the lectures and readings. – Identify your cultural, ethnic, or subcultural background. What are some norms […]

If you had a global stage on which to take a political stand or make a protest, what would it be and how would you express it?

College Honors Program Essay Essay PROMPT The essay provides an opportunity for you to give the Honors Program Faculty Committee additional insight about you as a student, writer, and thinker. The essay should represent your best work; it should be proofread and free of typos, unsupported ideas, and clichés. We value essays that demonstrate creativity, […]

Discuss:How people reacted towards the precautionary measures taken by the State of Qatar to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in terms : education (closure of schools and universities-online learning-health(the number of confirmed cases in Qatar)-economic(the closure of malls, restaurants, the mandatory of face masks-social distance and stay at home)

How people reacted towards the precautionary measures taken by the State of Qatar to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in terms : education (closure of schools and universities-online learning-health(the number of confirmed cases in Qatar)-economic(the closure of malls, restaurants, the mandatory of face masks-social distance and stay at home) How they are sharing their emotions online during […]