How did you review the results-Did the results surprise you?

Part I: Create a questionnaire ( 1 page) Minimum of 7 survey questions Include the date of birth as a question. All questions must be over the same general topic. Note: It doesn’t need to be your topic in the research proposal. Create your questionnaire draft on word first, and complete online survey using Google […]

Which international strategy, multidomestic strategy or transnational strategy do you suggest for Qualtrics going forward-Explain why in detail.

Qualtrics and SAP Combine Forces Companies not able to engage with and track the employee experience are doomed. This is where Qualtrics and SAP join forces. Qualtrics makes experience software that allows companies to capture experience data of employees and SAP services many of the world’s employees. One of the biggest challenges companies face is […]

Give brief history, the purpose of the organization, and any other relevant information that sets the stage for your analysis.

First part,You will submit a 1-2 page overview of your customer organization, including a brief history, the purpose of the organization, and any other relevant information that sets the stage for your analysis. The overview should also include your research question and the main variables of interest. The second part will be your survey design. […]