What is the issue or social problem? Who does it affect? Does it affect men, women, the old or the young? Does it affect ethnic minorities or majority? Does it affect poor or rich people?

TASK 1. Do a literature search to identify the following health issue: SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER. In your search, bear the following questions in mind. What is the issue or social problem? Who does it affect? Does it affect men, women, the old or the young? Does it affect ethnic minorities or majority? Does it affect […]

Identify which quantitative or qualitative design will be finally selected to study your topic and explain why.

Description Module 5 Discussion : Qualitative Research Contains unread posts Part 1: Understanding Each Design in Your Research Contexts (50%, between 1/2~2/3 page, single-line spaced) For each design option covered by Creswell (grounded theory, ethnography, and narrative research), provide a scenario when it would be appropriate to use each of those three selected qualitative research […]

Summarize two quantitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses. Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer-reviewed […]

Describe the type of research and the design that you believe would be the best way to study your problem. Discuss your rationale.

Description Discussion Questions This week we learned how research designs are different and help us to objectively study nursing problems; the key is to decide which type of research and design will serve the purpose or intent to find a solution. After completing Week 4 readings and lesson, answer the following: Reflect on your learning […]

Identify and discuss what is wrong with the survey questions. For at least 2 of the questions, formulate new questions that do not violate any of the basic survey design rules.

Description This lab requires that you very carefully follow all of the instructions posted in the Quantitative Analysis Directions. You must complete each step in the order presented. You will submit the ANSWER SHEET for this assignment. Attached is an example of a “bad” survey. Based on your reading, identify and discuss what is wrong […]

How would you characterize your research questions? List problems with research questions and, are there any problems with your research questions?

Description Develop 2 research questions about your topic. How would you characterize your research questions? List problems with research questions and, are there any problems with your research questions? Looking at your two research questions, what are the main concepts in your research question? Are you describing one concept or looking at relationships between concepts? […]

What technology is used to capture quantitative performance data in SCM?

Description Assignment Overview SCM Globe offers a library of case studies that cover Commercial, Humanitarian, and Military supply chains. Select one case study from each category and provide an overview of each. It is not necessary to download the software that is included in the cases. Creating an account is not required to view case […]

Are you more likely to collect quantitative data, qualitative data, or both? Explain.

Data Collection Process Researchers must make important decisions about the types of data they will collect. Data may be quantitative, qualitative, or both. • What data are necessary to your professional practice? • How do you collect data for decision making? • Are you more likely to collect quantitative data, qualitative data, or both? Explain. […]