How might you take this information about your listening style and the concepts learned about so far this semester to improve your listening skills?

Listening Assignment Questions to Answer: 1. What score did you receive from the listening style questionnaire (based on how many questions were answered as “NO”)? a. Were you surprised this result? Why or why not? 2. Were you surprised by the way you responded to any (or all) of the items in the questionnaire? Why […]

Identify three different classes and describe what types of activities you typically do in these classes.

Define learning preferences, and recognize your preferred learning preference(s) Part 1 Directions Now it’s time to consider your preferred learning preference(s). Take the VARK Questionnaire here. Review the types of learning preferences. Identify three different classes and describe what types of activities you typically do in these classes. Which learning preference(s) do these activities relate […]

Explain why applying the steps in the questionnaire design are important to apply in your data collection plan (refer to Chapter 8 in your textbook).

Topic: Data Collection Methods Scenario: You are the new director of marketing for your chosen company. You have previously identified a marketing related problem or opportunity to study using marketing research principles. You have already identified a viable marketing related problem or opportunity to study, and you created research questions and objectives. You conducted research […]

Write a 700-750-word essay that provides a recommendation on how an individual would recognize stressors and would be able to manage or adjust to life’s challenges based on the results.

Psychology Assessment Description Complete the Holmes-Raye Life Stress Inventory and Perceived Stress Questionnaire either yourself or administer it to an anonymous person in order to evaluate the results. Next, write a 700-750-word essay that provides a recommendation on how an individual would recognize stressors and would be able to manage or adjust to life’s challenges […]

Explain how you will ensure your research is conducted in an ethical manner Include a copy of an informed consent that will be included for participants of your research proposal project

Research proposal For this section of your research proposal assignment, you will focus on the implementation plan, which includes considerations for ethics, recruitment practices, and a plan for how you will collect your data. Note that you will not explain how to analyze your data in this section, but rather how you will go about […]

What are some key takeaways you would like to share with your classmates?

Topic 15 DQ1 -590- ST Answer the question from Topic 15 DQ1 with 200 words. You complete the questionnaire  for this assignment refer back  to the questionnaire if needed, gcu college of education teacher preparation program questionnaire completed revised Question : Use the following bullet points when responding to this discussion question: Upon completion of […]

Briefly discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of using an existing questionnaire.

Discussion Question 5 Research Methods Some researchers like to use existing questionnaires; others like to develop their own. Briefly discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of using an existing questionnaire. Compare those with composing your own questionnaire.  

What advice would you give yourself when faced with conflict in the future?

Conflict resolution The purpose of the paper: Conflict and disruptive behavior is a growing concern in the nursing profession. Nurse managers and leaders need to be self-aware regarding how they view and deal with conflict. This paper explores concepts in conflict resolution and disruptive behaviors related to the nursing professing. It is designed to help […]

Which measures operationalize “demographic characteristics-Which operationalize socio-economic status?

Questionnaire Analysis for Methods Option 1: Survey Design You will design a questionnaire that might be used in a survey to assess people’s attitudes toward governmental policy to reduce poverty. The survey should try to capture general attitudes about the role of government in reducing poverty rather than their positive or negative views of specific […]