What are the obstacles that you see hindering marriage these days?

The importance of marriage for the individual and society In islam and islamic countries The research should be comprehensive in which the student mentions several things, including: Definitions of the topic. Mention the reasons why marriage is important to the individual and society. – Mention some evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah that encourage marriage […]

Do a brief Google search on the “Guru Granth Sahib,” the holy book of Sikhism. What does the book’s title mean? Who wrote it? When was it written? What kind of content does it contain e.g. laws, prayers, advice, teachings, etc.?

Description Part 1: Reflections on the Unit on the Qur’an Post a brief reflection (150-200 words) on what, if anything you learned from this Unit. Did anything new occur to you that you hadn’t thought of before? Were any of your earlier beliefs/understandings reaffirmed, if so, how? Were you challenged in any ways? Why? Part […]

Explain As a second part of the reflection, please skim through Ch. 13 “Self-Cultivation and Spiritual Growth” in our textbook. How does this chapter relate to any of the themes (e.g. surrender, spiritual life, obedience to God, etc.) that we have discussed regarding the Holy Qur’an? What links do you find between this chapter and any of the other books we have looked at so far?

Description ease watch the following youtube clip:  Once you have seen it, post a brief reflection on this clip discussing what you think it says at about the Qur’an. As a second part of the reflection, please skim through Ch. 13 “Self-Cultivation and Spiritual Growth” in our textbook. How does this chapter relate to any […]

Which book did you select to read? What is the message contained within this particular scripture? Did this change how you view Islam? Why or why not?

Scripture Analysis/Short Essay 3: Students may select from one of the following books of the Quran for analysis: 19/Mary: 21/The Prophets: 29/The Spider: Which book did you select to read? What is the message contained within this particular scripture? Did this change how you view Islam? Why or why not?