Discuss Based on your reading and class discussions about essays 1-4, use your critical thinking and analytical skills to demonstrate a written understanding of the fact that race, class and gender shape the experiences of all people living in the United States.

Directions: • Based on your reading and class discussions about essays 1-4, use your critical thinking and analytical skills to demonstrate a written understanding of the fact that race, class and gender shape the experiences of all people living in the United States. • Read each synopsis of the essays presented before you attempt to […]

Discuss,”Academic researchers as well as media commentators frequently argue that race relations in the United States have worsened considerably over the past decade. Is this True? How would a sociologist go about investigating this claim? If indeed this is an accurate assessment, what are some of the factors that may have contributed to this trend? What sociological perspective might you use in your analysis?

Essay must be 5 pages in length, in ASA format, contain at least 4 academic, peer-reviewed references, Present evidence in a clear manner (present a table or graph if possible) and draw logical conclusions from the evaluation and analysis of the information you collected. Finally discuss the social relevance of the topic on a local, […]

Explore a key problem (e.g. white supremacy) or set of related problems that complicate the myth of individual opportunity (e.g. the intersections of race and class).

1. Provide a robust definition of the American Dream. You may work with a definition from one or more of the readings, including the introductory sections “Money and Success: The Myth of Individual Opportunity” and “Created Equal: Myths of Race.” 2. Explore a key problem (e.g. white supremacy) or set of related problems that complicate […]

Why did you select this conversation? What connection does this have to your personal, academic, and/or professional interests?

My topic for this project is: Community race relations/police violence – #BlackLivesMatter. Answers the following questions: What specific conversation are you planning on following for the “Researching Rhetorically” project? (My topic is #BlackLivesMatter) What social movement or influential organization is responding to that issue? How are they responding (i.e. briefly state their objectives and strategies)? […]

Compare/contrast how they handle race, class, or gender (or all of those if you want, but one will suffice).” The Myth of the Latin Woman” and “The Ethics of Living Jim Crow”

Compare/contrast how they handle race, class, or gender (or all of those if you want, but one will suffice).” The Myth of the Latin Woman” and “The Ethics of Living Jim Crow” *Works Cited, just the short stories