Discuss Can the racial disparities in drug enforcement be justified? Why or why not? In your opinion, what can be done to make arrest, conviction, and sentencing more equal between whites and blacks?

Can the racial disparities in drug enforcement be justified? Why or why not? In your opinion, what can be done to make arrest, conviction, and sentencing more equal between whites and blacks? Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Did you find the test difficult? How did you feel about your results, do you think they were accurate? Include a snapshot of your results.

Post your racial bias test results here. Show a screen shot of your results and discuss briefly what you thought about the test. Is it fair? Do you feel you have biases? If you are proud of your own group does that mean that you will discriminate or treat people unfairly? Take a screen shot […]

How would you describe your racial category? Is race any different from ethnic background, in your opinion? How, if so?

This essay is an interview of someone you know; preferably a parent, step parent, grandparent, an in-law, or an aunt or uncle.  You may interview another family member or a friend, but it should be someone at least ten years older than you are.  The purpose of this essay assignment is for you to get a real world look at the […]