What is the fundamental contradiction of the United States founding discussed by Alexander in this excerpt?

Instructions: address and answer each question below. https://www.learningforjustice.org/sites/default/files/general/Slavery%20as%20a%20Form%20of%20Racialized%20Social%20Control.pdf Throughout history, the United States has been plagued by structures and mechanisms that promoted a racial caste system within the United States. Structures from Jim Crow to mass incarceration, have been revamped over time to meet the needs of the dominant social order of the time. Read […]

Why does this constitute a crisis on a personal level-What makes this threaten “economic collapse” as you write?

Critical Analysis of Debt in the Education Sector and the Necessity for Organizational Reform Before launching into analysis and also solutions to the student debt crisis, explain the crisis. How much do students owe in debt? Who do they owe to? What are the collection practices? Why does this constitute a crisis on a personal […]

How did slavery-freedom influence the racial meanings of US citizenship and how immigrant workers are perceived as belonging or not belonging?

4. Slavery, Migrations, and Regulating Labor This week, we explored the foundations of U.S. society through the institution of slavery, along with how migrations and immigration policy have shaped ideas of belonging. Citing the lectures and readings answer the following questions in a few paragraphs: How was the institution of slavery central to the creation […]

What are the implications for practice of looking at this issue through this lens? and conclude with the legacy of the lens that we should consider for progressive-transformative practice.

Analytic/Applied Essay Outline • Essay outline • Introduction/thesis statement • Details about the topic • Theoretical orientation • Literature review (utilize information from annotated bibliography • Arguments and discussion • How does this framework or lens explain the issue under examination • What are the implications for practice of looking at this issue through this […]

Discuss In what ways might town planning harm or benefit cities? What is redlining and how does this process produce racialized segregation in housing and inequality?

Description:This is the first episode of a six-part series made of Canadian television in the 1960s and based largely upon Mumford’s 1961 book, The City in History. I have put a chapter of this onto the Moodle page. The planning dilemmas are dramatised by the struggles over the redevelopment of the Lower West Side of […]