What do you think might be done to provide more equal opportunities in difficult political, economic, and social times?

Topic : Prejudice & Race: Stereotypes, Racism, Theories of Prejudice Answer these questions based on this topic above.put the number of the questions then following with the answer. What issues does this topic that you chose represent, talk about, and/or create? What changes can or should be done? How do you see evidence of the […]

How can ethics and your personal ethical code address problems that are often systemic (ex. racism, sexism)?

Ethnic Studies Question In the last few weeks, we have discussed and/or read about broad issues of socioeconomic status, race, culture and ethnicity and gender and sexuality. In 750-1000 words, consider the ways in which these social identities impact how we think about ethics and moral values. In particular, how can ethics and your personal […]

What important terms, ideas, or concepts should you define for your readers so they can understand your essay’s topic paragraphs?

After the Bib Progress Report: 200 Points Required: each response should run at least 3-5 sentences. 1. Your literature review analyzes the three most important topics you’ve identified in your research/bib. After reading your first seven sources, what important topics have been most often discussed by the authors? For example, a main topic in the […]

How might those conversations helped to build your perspective on race?

Racism work Step 1 Watch the following videos: How did we get our biases? Realities for those who deal with racism. . . Step 2 Post your response to the discussion board by Wednesday. Respond to the following questions in 2 paragraphs, (at least 250 words or more using the PIE paragraph process). If it’s […]

Why is community policing outreach to immigrants and refugees important?

Essay Questions for chapter 1 and 2 Completely understand the concept. What is the difference between immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers? Why is community policing outreach to immigrants and refugees important? What are some barriers to a positive relationship between immigrants and police? How is culture relevant to law enforcement? Give Specific examples. What is […]

Do you agree with the statement or message you think the story is putting forth why or why not?

Choose one of the short stories we have read for this class. Write a paper addressing the following matters: In what way does the story reinforce or challenge (or simply describe/exemplify) some social norm or cultural value? Provide evidence from the story to support your assertion. In other words, what is some statement or message […]

How do the four lenses approach the study of diversity with respect to the individual and society?

In this final discussion, look back on your experiences in the course and provide an overview of what you have learned from the course with regard to diversity. You can start by reviewing your final projects and your answers to the Module One discussion. In your initial post, address the following questions: How has your […]

How did the expansion of civil rights fail to address racism and poverty in the US?

ASSIGNMENT 2 Carefully review your research questions, outline, and map to compose a 2000-3000 word research paper that accomplishes the following: Clearly and explicitly state your research questions Carefully review the resources that you previously mapped Synthesize and summarize these resources, providing clear and precise attributions and citations Analyze and explain how this info does […]

Write a 800-1000 word CITED commentary in which you critically analyze how theories related racism and gender discrimination are reflected in your source film.

Activity 3 summary: •Step 1: Watch a documentary that discusses gender & racism/culture Suggestions: TBD Step 2: Write a 800-1000 word CITED commentary in which you critically analyze how theories related racism and gender-discrimination are reflected in your source film. • You are drawing on the content from chapters 8 and 9. • Citations from […]

Do you think members of a host culture have any responsibilities to make immigrants feel comfortable in the new cultural environment? Why?

Why do so many immigrants have a difficult time adapting to a new culture? What suggestions do you have for making that process less troublesome? Do you think members of a host culture have any responsibilities to make immigrants feel comfortable in the new cultural environment? Why? Discuss the following statement: “Prejudice can never be […]