Explain Professor Derrick Bell insists in Faces at the Bottom of the Well that systemic racism is a permanent part of U.S. society. Why does he take this position? Is it likely that this is yet another strategy to defeat 2nd class citizenship? Do you agree or disagree with Prof. Bell’s analysis and conclusions?

Topic: Black Studies Paper details: Professor Derrick Bell insists in Faces at the Bottom of the Well that systemic racism is a permanent part of U.S. society. Why does he take this position? Is it likely that this is yet another strategy to defeat 2nd class citizenship? Do you agree or disagree with Prof. Bell’s […]

What particular readings/lessons were particularly influential? Why? What have you learned about ‘cultural diversity’ in the United States? How has this course informed your understanding of ‘culture’ and ‘diversity’? Are there any particular topics/concepts or additional materials you think should be included in this course in the future?

Description write your own thesis about racism and equality. tell what change and what didn’t change in the U S. For your FINAL essay, you are tasked with thinking reflexively about your experience in this course. What particular readings/lessons were particularly influential? Why? What have you learned about ‘cultural diversity’ in the United States? How […]

Should a country’s capital punishment policy be decided by a public vote, or should it be decided by philosophers? What are the benefits of each position?Explain

Section 1: Save and Rename this Assignment Step 1: Download Google Doc into a Word .doc or docx. Rename assignment as “(last name_first name) Ethics 103 Lesson Packet 9” For example, my assignment would be: Kirkham_Jill Ethics 103 Lesson Packet 9 Section 2: England’s Death Penalty Step 01: Crime and Punishment – The Story of […]

Explain why every American should know this history and propose how knowing specific parts of this history could help mend race relations in the United States.

Description ** Letter to the editor of your local newspaper** -Prepare a letter to the editor of your local newspaper that would explain to all of America why African American History should be taught in American schools. -Explain why every American should know this history and propose how knowing specific parts of this history could […]

Trace the development of international trade (including in slaves, gold, & silver) & how it affected the development of nation-states, religions, wars, inequality (including racism), hierarchy, & patriarchy

Description Trace the development of international trade (including in slaves, gold, & silver) & how it affected the development of nation-states, religions, wars, inequality (including racism), hierarchy, & patriarchy

Compare and contrast Doro and Anyanwu from Wild Seed (focus on black woman and racism topic pls) (Seed to Harvest by Octavia Butler)

Thesis: Compare and Contrast Characters Compare and contrast Doro and Anyanwu from Wild Seed (focus on black woman and racism topic pls) (Seed to Harvest by Octavia Butler) Discuss at least two ways the characters are similar AND Discuss at least two ways the characters are different.

Discuss According to Eduardo Óbregon Pagán in Murder at the Sleepy Lagoon, what is the root source of the Anglo vs Mexicano conflict over the Sleepy Lagoon trial and the Zoot Suit riots? And more broadly, how are these moments connected, and what do they teach us about the development of race and racism in American history?

Paper details: According to Eduardo Óbregon Pagán in Murder at the Sleepy Lagoon, what is the root source of the Anglo vs Mexicano conflict over the Sleepy Lagoon trial and the Zoot Suit riots? And more broadly, how are these moments connected, and what do they teach us about the development of race and racism […]