Summarize the main findings with respect to the effects of racism on prenatal and perinatal outcomes, discuss in relation to what you have learned about environmental influences and prenatal health (Chapter 3). Finally, of the solutions the authors provide, which do you think is the most important and why?

Instructions This summer in the midst of the pandemic, a number of racial incidents exposed the deeply rooted and systemic anti-Black and racist attitudes prevalent in the United States. This social reckoning made visible the various forms of racism. While people often think about racism only as an interpersonal experience (i.e., between individuals), racism can […]

Explain How would you structure a research project to determine “who governs” in a major city (e.g., Detroit, if you wish)? Define your terms carefully. Be specific about theories you would test, your hypotheses, and research design and methodology.

How would you structure a research project to determine “who governs” in a major city (e.g., Detroit, if you wish)? Define your terms carefully. Be specific about theories you would test, your hypotheses, and research design and methodology. Some theorists attribute the incidence of black male social pathology to individual level factors such a poor […]

What role did black girls and women play in the Montgomery Bus Boycott? In what ways were they the “backbone” of the boycott? Who were its major players/contributors (individually and collectively)?

Explore the impact of black women’s clubs in the late 19th to early/earlier-20th century. In other words, how did they challenge racism and sexism? What were their preoccupations? How did their programs and agenda help and/or hurt black women? What role did black girls and women play in the Montgomery Bus Boycott? In what ways […]

Reflect on what you have learned about racism as a system of privilege and oppression.

In about 300 words, reflect on what you have learned about racism as a system of privilege and oppression. Ideally weave in your own everyday experience of yourself as a racialized person….what does your whiteness, brownness, blackness, yellowness or redness mean for your life; how have some of the concepts you have learned in this […]

Discuss.In what ways does Gilio-Whitaker argue that EJ should be thought about differently in Indian Country? How does she talk about these differences politically, culturally, and legally? Finally, how does she disrupt the ideology of environmental racism with an Indigenous perspective?

Environmental Justice (EJ) as a concept is relatively new in the United States. In what ways does Gilio-Whitaker argue that EJ should be thought about differently in Indian Country? How does she talk about these differences politically, culturally, and legally? Finally, how does she disrupt the ideology of environmental racism with an Indigenous perspective?

Discuss,According to the unit, why is it important to uncover barriers toward social justice?Why does white fragility and white privilege provoke prejudice, discrimination, or to racism continue?

Topic: 1. According to the unit, why is it important to uncover barriers toward social justice?2. Why does white fragility and white privilege provoke prejudice, discrimination, or to racism continue? Paper details: please follow the instruction file that I have provided carefully.

Discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community and societal levels Planning & Management to Promote Health

Evidence-Based Approaches to Public Health 1. Apply epidemiological methods to the breadth of settings and situations in public health practice 2. Select quantitative and qualitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context 3. Analyze quantitative and qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software, as appropriate 4. Interpret results of data […]

Do a little more research on what has happened in other countries and in intergovernmental organizations like the UN. What do you make of the widespread, global reaction to US institutional racism? What might be its impact on global politics?

Paper details: Watch the PBS Newshour short clip on global protests from this summer. Do a little more research on what has happened in other countries and in intergovernmental organizations like the UN. What do you make of the widespread, global reaction to US institutional racism? What might be its impact on global politics?