What is the decision you could make from the data set if you could magically snap your fingers and have the data.

Create Dataset with at least 30 observations Create your own dataset that includes at least 30 observations for four different variables, i.e. minimum 30 rows, 4 columns You have created a copy of the raw data and labeled the sheet ‘Raw Data’ You have renamed the sheet you are working with ‘Analysis.’ The first step […]

Do you suspect the relation is positive-negative? Why-Which would be considered the independent variable-which the dependent variable? Why?

Regression and Correlation Look back to the raw data you collected in week 1. There are 7 variables listed: Vehicle type/class Year Make Model Price MPG (city) MPG (highway) Choose TWO variables that you feel are correlated and explain why you feel that they are correlated. Do you suspect the relation is positive or negative? […]