Do you think you could go a week without causing any chemical reactions? Explain

Description Chemical reactions constantly take place all around us—and even inside us. Many reactions occur naturally. But sometimes humans cause the reactions. Do you think you could go a week without causing any chemical reactions? Explain why or why not, providing examples where appropriate. Do not count reactions that take place inside your body.

What are the questions you have? What do you disagree with or agree with? Where do you have strong reactions?

Watch: Please watch the following video on annotation: Annotating Text (Links to an external site.) Annotating Text While I realize that many of you will not want to print and highlight/mark on paper, I want you to use the same approach to annotation as you see in this video. Annotating a fiction or drama is […]

Provide your reactions/responses to the ideas and/or conclusions of the article.

doubt it is possible to adequately complete a summary in less than 3 pages. I also expect a thorough personal reaction and response which should be at least one page. Please use the following format for your summaries Using APA format, indicate the journal information at the top of the first page. You do not […]