Explain an important and interesting concept, one you already know well or are just learning about.

Thoroughly respond to the following prompt: Explain an important and interesting concept, one you already know well or are just learning about. Consider what your readers are likely to know and think about the concept, what they are likely to find interesting about the topic, what you might want them to learn about it, and […]

How does the relationship between Marco Polo and Kublai Khan in Calvino’s Invisible Cities shed light on the relationship between the storyteller, the text, and the reader or listener? How do we find ourselves reflected as readers in this text itself?Discuss

How does the relationship between Marco Polo and Kublai Khan in Calvino’s Invisible Cities shed light on the relationship between the storyteller, the text, and the reader or listener? How do we find ourselves reflected as readers in this text itself? Make sure you refer to passages that form part of the intricate, repeated patterns […]

What do you predict the frame effect of this story would be for those who read it? What are readers more likely to think about health care based on this example?

Case 1 For the better part of his life, Reuben Robinson, 22, of Camden received little professional health care. When he was a child, Robinson’s family was uninsured, so they typically were treated at hospital emergency rooms when illnesses became serious. “When I got scarlet fever in the fifth grade, I had to go to […]

What are the assumptions of the author about its readers?Explain

Step 1: Source Background: Who wrote it? Where did you find it? Other Views of topic/issue? What did you expect after the title? Step 2: the Source Itself What is the topic/issue? What is the thesis or argument? Evidence? What are the assumptions of the author about its readers?Step 3: Voracity of Writer Is the […]

What interests you about the subject of this paper? Why is it worth writing about?

1. Subject: What interests you about the subject of this paper? Why is it worth writing about? 2. Purpose: Why are you writing? What goal should your essay accomplish? 3. Audience: Who are your readers? How well informed are they about your subject, and what do you want them to learn? 4. Genre: What genre […]

Who wrote (or performed) it? What is this person or group’s significance (don’t just give biographical/demographic details, but a sense of why he, she, or it is an important historical figure or source for historical information.)

Explain: 1. Who wrote (or performed) it? What is this person or group’s significance (don’t just give biographical/demographic details, but a sense of why he, she, or it is an important historical figure or source for historical information.) 2. Why is the document’s agenda? What is it trying to persuade its readers? What evidence can […]