Critically explore the claims being put forward, the assumptions (explicit or implicit) that underwrite these claims and the implications for theory and practice that emerge from them. What other readings will you recommend your colleague to look at for each Analysis; Analysis and Analysis B and why?

Question 1: Read the two analyses below: Analysis A and B (written by your colleagues) and write (not less than) a 450-word reflection on the evolution of your thinking on the relationship between gender/sexuality and conflict in the Middle East. At least 7 bibliographies Question 2: Comment on each of the analyses provided above, at […]

Compare and contrast assigned readings that provide secondary source analysis on historical events.

This semester you have developed your abilities to compare and contrast assigned readings that provide secondary source analysis on historical events. For a final exam option, you will now demonstrate your ability to find secondary sources to analyze on your own. In a short paper, you will analyze two secondary sources. One must be from […]

Write a paragraph that agrees or disagrees with Marche’s thesis.”The Epidemic of Facelessness” by Stephen Marche, pp. 34-37 in the course readings.

Read pages 58-66 in the course readings to learn how to integrate sources into your writing. Integrating sources means referring to someone else’s writing as a way to support or illustrate your point. Paraphrasing and including direct quotations are the primary ways of using sources; the readings offer examples of each, and also a glimpse […]

Discuss whether or not you liked the book and why or why not.

Paper instructions ________________________________________________________________________________ Question #1: Please state, in 1-3 sentences, whether or not you liked the book and why or why not. ________________________________________________________________________________Question #2: Please state in one to three sentences what was, in your opinion, the most interesting thing about the readings. ________________________________________________________________________________Question #3: Please poses any questions you had about the readings and […]

Discuss whether or not you liked the book and why or why not.

Please complete the assignment like you did for order #520021 and oder#519945 ________________________________________________________________________________ Question #1: Please state, in 1-3 sentences, whether or not you liked the book and why or why not. ________________________________________________________________________________Question #2: Please state in one to three sentences what was, in your opinion, the most interesting thing about the readings. ________________________________________________________________________________Question #3: […]

Discuss Why do you find your original account of the argument and meaning of the text more persuasive than alternative readings?

What do you think the text is arguing? What evidence is there in the text to support your reading ? What is the meaning of the text’s argument? Why? What implications are there if the argument is true? Why? Could the text be read as meaning something else? What reasons might someone give for holding […]

Discuss Consider “The Tale of Sohrab” from the Shahnameh in comparison to Oedipus Tyrannus from the Week 2 readings. Make an argument about whether the two texts are more alike or different and why.

Tragedy Across the Mediterranean: Consider “The Tale of Sohrab” from the Shahnameh in comparison to Oedipus Tyrannus from the Week 2 readings. Make an argument about whether the two texts are more alike or different and why. Focus your thesis on one particular aspect of the two texts such as protagonists, themes, central conflicts, or […]

Choose one of the poems for this lesson’s readings. Evaluate the poet’s stylistic methods according to the central criteria we noted for modernist poetry (i.e. fragmentation, juxtaposition, allusion). How does your poem’s use of OR lack of these elements change the readability of this work, as compared to Eliot’s The Waste Land or Pound’s Hugh Selwyn Mauberly?

Description Choose one of the poems for this lesson’s readings. Evaluate the poet’s stylistic methods according to the central criteria we noted for modernist poetry (i.e. fragmentation, juxtaposition, allusion). How does your poem’s use of OR lack of these elements change the readability of this work, as compared to Eliot’s The Waste Land or Pound’s […]

Based upon the background readings and external sources (if applicable), provide an example of a sustainable operation by an organization.

Description Based upon the background readings and external sources (if applicable), provide an example of a sustainable operation by an organization. Feel free to add your personal experience in the discussion and share your overall thoughts regarding the example you provided regarding this sustainable operation. Please write as the proffessor is asking and also add […]