What insights did you gain about schooling and/or being an educator from the readings, our in-class conversations and activities, and your research entries?

Overview Your final assignment will be a reflective essay – or – presentation, the choice is up to you. You will synthesize your learning from our course and reflect on your own philosophy of education. Requirements Written: • Your paper is to be written in APA format and cite at least ten sources. o Your […]

Explain the central arguments for readings on the topics of abortion and healthcare.

Assignment Goals and Objectives This assignment is designed to test your ability to explain AND apply the theories you’ve been learning about over the past 4 weeks.  To succeed on this assignment you should be able to: Explain the central arguments for readings on the topics of abortion and healthcare. Apply each of the theories […]

Drawing on at least two readings discussed in class so far, evaluate this approach by Cummings and its potential advantages and disadvantages. If you were an aide to Boris Johnson, would you agree with this approach, or not?

Individual Essay In an article published by the MailOnline, James Tapsfield described some changes introduced by the current Tory government to the renown British Civil Service, which have been blamed for senior staff departures. He wrote: Dominic Cummings has moved No10 aides into a new ‘mission control’ as part of a drive to sharpen up […]

Conduct a home energy audit to determine the energy consumed per month, either from direct energy readings, or from inferred values (one is not constrained to this, any environment with interesting loads may be audited)

Working individually at home (or in res), each student is required to:  Conduct a home energy audit to determine the energy consumed per month, either from direct energy readings, or from inferred values (one is not constrained to this, any environment with interesting loads may be audited);  Find the applicable municipal tariffs and […]

What three key ideas were most significant from the readings,Two ideas/topics from the readings that you would like to explore or discuss further

Module #1 Discussion Consider the readings for this module concerning case study protocol. In your post, address the following: 1. What three key ideas were most significant from the readings; 2. Two ideas/topics from the readings that you would like to explore or discuss further; and 3. One element/issue/concept that you found difficult in your […]

Discuss the readings whats the point of the readings, thoughts on the readings, whats the message

Topic: Girls and Women in Mississippi, Septima Clark Paper details: discuss the readings whats the point of the readings, thoughts on the readings, whats the message Your analysis must rely heavily on the readings and incorporate quotes from Chapters 11 and 12. Be sure to also include at least one quote from each reading.

What three key ideas were most significant from the readings.Discuss

Previous Next Consider the readings for this module concerning case study protocol. In your post, address the following: What three key ideas were most significant from the readings; Two ideas/topics from the readings that you would like to explore or discuss further; and One element/issue/concept that you found difficult in your understanding or application of case […]

How do the readings and videos apply to you as a current (or future) senior leader in an organization?

Attached is a midterm assignment for mba class. I needed to answer set of question, which are: 1-choose one (or more) of the contingency frameworks and show how it (they) apply to a personal leadership situation involving you or an organizational leader you know. 2-Which (there can and probably should be more than one) including […]

Discuss Based on your required readings in Gilmore and Zaretsky in Module 1, what were the major changes that impacted the United States both at home and abroad from 1945 to 1960? Why did they occur? What was the consequences of the events?

Based on your required readings in Gilmore and Zaretsky in Module 1, what were the major changes that impacted the United States both at home and abroad from 1945 to 1960? Why did they occur? What was the consequences of the events?

Identify the main causes for each respective grouping’s immigration to the United States. What motivated large numbers of people to leave the three regions (Ireland, China, Eastern Europe) discussed in course readings?

The United States witnessed multiple waves of mass migration from various regions of the world over the course of the nineteenth century. In one period (1840s – 1860s), large numbers of immigrants from Ireland arrived to the United States at a key turning point in the nation’s history. In a later period (1880s – 1920s), […]