What are the main locations and how does the author use such devices as description, imagery, background information, and other details to enliven the story? Do the characters and settings work together effectively to make a convincing story? Discuss the techniques used by the author to make the settings authentic.

Select one of the essay prompts below. Your answer to the prompt question should be formulated into a singular thesis/argument about the readings you will discuss. Your thesis should be placed at the end of your introductory paragraph. Your essay should include two of the following authors from the Course Schedule readings: Faulkner, Welty, Pirandello, […]

Compare and contrast yourself to the people from this week’s readings,compare characters from the readings to each other, or do both. Ultimately,the essay’s thesis will let me know what direction your essay will be headed.The thesis will be the road map for the entire essay.

After reading the three articles this week and our novels up to this point, it is evident that discrimination can take many forms. It is not just limited to race. In her article, Deborah L.Rhode states that “The Constitution bars discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion,national origin, and ethnicity” (246). However, many people […]

Explain What sources does the author use and how does this influence his work? If there is more than one piece for the discussion, which do you find more convincing and why? How does this piece support or conflict with primary sources we have read for the time period? Does this piece give you insight into the period in a different way than lecture/textbook readings?

Each paper is a 2 page reflection on the readings for that topic using details and quotations from the piece as evidence for your analysis. In this reflection, you should discuss what you believe to be the main argument or thesis of the author/authors. What evidence or supporting arguments/claims do they make to uphold this […]

Analyze and discuss the major thematic concerns in the introductory readings by Alicia Pousada and Bill Santiago (specifying their titles). Then, relate this content to the works of two Mexican American writers discussed in class.

Analyze and discuss the major thematic concerns in the introductory readings by Alicia Pousada and Bill Santiago (specifying their titles). Then, relate this content to the works of two Mexican American writers discussed in class. Guidelines: Your discussion should be developed as a WORD document and should not exceed two pages, with 12 pt Times […]

What can we learn from reading these texts together that we couldn’t learn from reading them separately?

PAPER 1 Yumi Shiroma| Expos 355:101BH Reading:Karen Ho, “Biographies of Hegemony”Azar Nafisi, “Selections from Reading Lolita in Tehran” While crafting your response, you might consider some of the following questions. (These are meant to help you brainstorm. Your paper does NOT have to answer all of them. Instead, make sure the paper argues for a […]

Provide a two-page summary to Ch. 5, demonstrating doing the readings and giving deep thought to its main themes.

Provide a two-page summary to Ch. 5, demonstrating doing the readings and giving deep thought to its main themes. Attached is the chapter that needs summarizing. no references needed just a two page summary showing deep thought to the main themes