Identify a reform effort that has had an impact at you work site.Investigate and analyze the implementation of a reform effort through the use of field observations, document analysis, or interviews.

The Module 1 readings provide you with a brief background on current reform efforts in the United States; it is likely that these efforts have had an impact at your work site. Identify a reform effort that has had an impact at you work site. In a 4 paper, investigate and analyze the implementation of […]

Why are costs increasing, who is it effecting, why, how? What are the political efforts to address this (such as the ACA) and what are the political differences over it? Obstacles to reform? Use peer-reviewed academic journals to objectively analyze the social costs of people unable to afford health insurance.

TOPIC: The Increasing costs of healthcare. Why are costs increasing, who is it effecting, why, how? What are the political efforts to address this (such as the ACA) and what are the political differences over it? Obstacles to reform? Use peer-reviewed academic journals to objectively analyze the social costs of people unable to afford health […]

How would the first wave of feminism correspond to women’s involvement in the public sector?

Description Topic: The Power of a Collective Voice The 19th Amendment was the result of a collective effort of many women and men. How can you relate to the sense of accomplishment felt by many of the suffragists in the aftermath of the ratification of the 19th Amendment? How would the first wave of feminism […]

What influences did the system have on the correctional system today?

Description Pennsylvania was the leader in sentencing and correctional reform in the early history of the United States. Discuss what groups were associated with this reform. Why did they want the reform? Examine whether it was successful and if the reform brought forth further changes. What influences did the system have on the correctional system […]

Describe an example of a Public Sector reform relevant to your work using your learning in GSZ 631.

Critical Analysis of a Public Sector Reform Suggested Style: Analytical Essay Describe an example of a Public Sector reform relevant to your work using your learning in GSZ 631. (Please note: I work in Services Australia) a) the reform’s impact upon ‘public value’ through examining the management strategies used to ensure government accountability and responsiveness, […]

Identify one reform in the report that you wish to critically evaluate. In your essay, you should explore the relative strengths and weaknesses of this reform, drawing on other material, including academic peer-reviewed sources, to make your argument.

In June 2019 a report ‘Foresight, insight and oversight: Enhancing long-term governance through better parliamentary scrutiny’ was released (you can find the link for this report below). This report identifies some key concerns with New Zealand’s parliamentary processes and suggests options for reform. You should identify one reform in the report that you wish to […]