What is the estimated odds ratio corresponding to the age variable?

Calculate Odds within Logistic Regression Model A survey was conducted and asked: “Do you consider your health to be poor?” This was coded as 1 for “yes” and 0 for “no.” The effect of age (in years) and sex (1 = male, 0 = female) on the outcome was examined using logistic regression. The fitted […]

Which model would like to choose in the five models you made?

Simple Regression Sales vs. Ads. On the data file, find the first worksheet, “Concert Sales.” It contains data of Concert sales ($1000s), the number of radio & TV ads, and the number of newspaper ads. 1) Develop linear regression models enumerating all three possible combinations of two independent variables as listed below. Under each combination, […]

What do the overall results (of the various models) tell us about how school gardens affect student academic achievement?

After reading the article carefully and taking notes, answer the following three questions in your initial response 1. What do the overall results (of the various models) tell us about how school gardens affect student academic achievement? 2. Looking specifically at the regression analyses that involve step-wise regression (same DV but different combinations of IVs […]