Does electronic communication help or hinder organizational communication?

Unit two Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. For a health care manager, it is important to develop good […]

What steps would your manager need to take to make sure you feel that you were being equitably treated-What would you do, if after a year on the job, you experienced inequity in pay?

Journal Think about the ideal career, not just a job, that you would like to have. Describe this career, qualifications needed, required work experience, the kind of manager to whom you would like to report, and the kind of organization in which you would like to work. Answer the following questions: What are the required […]

How much did you know about what you read about this week and how does this information change-reinforce your feelings about marginalized-vulnerable populations?

Module 6: Exploring Culturally Marginalized and Vulnerable Populations For this week react to the reading but also consider how the reading this week has expanded your understanding. How much did you know about what you read about this week and how does this information change or reinforce your feelings about marginalized and vulnerable populations?  

What is the bed symbolic of-how is this symbol developed throughout the short story?

Write an essay considering the symbolism of the bed in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper.” What is the bed symbolic of, and how is this symbol developed throughout the short story? Calls for an argumentative essay, it should contain a few important features: 1) your first paragraph should put forward a central argumentative point […]

How does this view of an entrepreneur fit with current research centred on-around entrepreneurial activity today?

Entrepreneurship 1. Schumpeter describes the ‘entrepreneur as a ‘deviant’. How does this view of an entrepreneur fit with current research centred on and around entrepreneurial activity today? You need to bring together many academic themes, arguments and theories to make you work robust. You also need to conduct research and debates key areas so as […]

How is race depicted in the ads? Do they overcome stereotypes-reinforce them?

History For the next discussion assignment, find at least three examples of race in advertising. This can be print, billboards, social media television, etc. – think about the following – as well as other questions – how is race depicted in the ads? Do they overcome stereotypes or reinforce them? What are the meanings associated […]

What role does the fall out shelter play in the American imagination-how does popular culture (popular songs, for example) represent Civil Defense preparation?

In what ways does the American Civil Defense program reinforce American cultural ideals of individualism and self-sufficiency and how does the ideal square with real circumstances? What role does the fall out shelter play in the American imagination and how does popular culture (popular songs, for example) represent Civil Defense preparation?

How does the story of Adam and Eve reinforce patriarchal values by having Adam being created first, in God’s image, and woman being created as an afterthought from Adam’s rib?

Chapter 6 How does the story of Adam and Eve reinforce patriarchal values by having Adam being created first, in God’s image, and woman being created as an afterthought from Adam’s rib? 2. If you are a man, consider at least one way you might change your everyday life in such a way that the […]