Describe the behavior then explain how you would use positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment to reshape that behavior.

Changing Behaviors ◼ Write a 1-2 page paper addressing the following: Think of a behavior you engage in you would like to change. Describe the behavior then explain how you would use positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment to reshape that behavior. For the last part of the paper, write a paragraph or two describing […]

Describe the business or organization that outlines the market it’s in as well as its size and mission.

People And Organizations Competency 1 Competency 1 Reflection: Examine principles related to human resource management. This reflection activity is comprised of two sections collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflections by responding to all prompts. HRM Competencies Select 3 of the 9 HRM competencies and apply them to a business or organization […]

How did you reinforce it?What resulted because of this reinforcement?

According to the principles of operant conditioning, reinforcement seeks to increase the chances of a behavior continuing, so we should only reinforce those behaviors that we would like to see again. There are times when we may intentionally reinforce behavior of someone for our convenience and not understand by doing so how it fosters such […]

Provide the results of your evaluation on reinforcement, and include the effectiveness of methods used in modifying behavior.

Reinforcement is used to strengthen a behavior and increase the chances the desired behavior will continue in the future. The way in which reinforcement is used can differ from situation to situation, and may depend on the desired behavior. This assignment has you work with your team to determine how reinforcement, both positive and negative, […]

Write one paragraph about each of the concepts you chose for a total of 2 paragraphs each time you post.

• Choose two or more concepts that we’ve studied up to that point in this class that you think is most interesting, important, or relevant to you. • Write one paragraph about each of the concepts you chose for a total of 2 paragraphs each time you post. In each paragraph, give at least one […]