Use Bilge and Hill Collins’ call for intersectionality as an “analytic tool” to investigate social divisions and power relations.Discuss

“Race, class, gender, sexuality, disability, ethnicity, nation, religion, and age are categories of analysis, terms that reference important social divisions. But they are also categories that gain meaning from power relations of racism, sexism, heterosexism, and class exploitation.” (Bilge & Hill Collins). Use Bilge and Hill Collins’ call for intersectionality as an “analytic tool” to […]

Discuss In what ways has the COVID pandemic in the US exposed the deep fissures and failures within our society in regards to it’s ability capacity to care for and protect our most vulnerable communities?

1) Are the characters represented in an “authentic” way? Explain why or why not. In your response define what “authenticity” means to you. Who determines what is authentic? 2) How is gender represented in the film? Provide specific examples. In what ways does the film perpetuate “traditional” gender roles, and in what ways does it […]

Discuss Using at least four of the philosophers studied in this course (Plato, Hesiod, Homer, The Sophists, Socrates, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Marx, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Locke, Berkeley, Hume) write a 3-5 page essay either supporting or rejecting the following statement: Nobody can have the consolations of religion or philosophy unless he has first experienced their desolations.

Using at least four of the philosophers studied in this course (Plato, Hesiod, Homer, The Sophists, Socrates, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Marx, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Locke, Berkeley, Hume) write a 3-5 page essay either supporting or rejecting the following statement: Nobody can have the consolations of religion or philosophy unless he has first experienced their […]

What are some of the causes in the changing of the American family?How effective has the women’s movement been from the 1800s to the present? Give facts not opinions.

1) Why can race be viewed as both a myth AND reality? (chapter 11) 2) How effective has the women’s movement been from the 1800s to the present? Give facts not opinions. (chapter 12) 3) How has the aging population affected American society? (chapter 13) 4) What is wrong with the US prison system? (chapter […]

Explain three social functions of religion in society. (chapter 15)

1) Why can race be viewed as both a myth AND reality? (chapter 11) 2) How effective has the women’s movement been from the 1800s to the present? Give facts not opinions. (chapter 12) 3) How has the aging population affected American society? (chapter 13) 4) What is wrong with the US prison system? (chapter […]

How has your definition and concept of religion changed, and what helped you changed your mind? For instance, many people would say that a definition of religion necessarily involves a god or gods. But as you know know, Buddhism really does not have the concept. Still, Buddhism is a religion (and no, you cannot use this example).Discuss

1. How has your definition and concept of religion changed, and what helped you changed your mind? For instance, many people would say that a definition of religion necessarily involves a god or gods. But as you know know, Buddhism really does not have the concept. Still, Buddhism is a religion (and no, you cannot […]

Discuss the and ideology/ and development of white supremacy and why the South continues to be proud to cling to this negative identity.

Description Discuss Concepts of (US) Southern Identity: As a region of racial oppression, slow economic expansion with heavy reliance on free/ cheap labor and agriculture. Discuss use of religion to condone slavery. Discuss the legal/laws (laws, court cases, etc.. ) that permitted racial oppression an inequality. Discuss the and ideology/ and development of white supremacy […]

Compare what ancient greeks considered philosophy vs what we may consider philosophy. Social aspects that meant not really going against religion.

The essay should use examples and arguments in favour of Hesiod being a posible philosophical text. Aratus and Nicander can also be used as examples but personally I believe Hesiod should be the prime focus as it does have philosophical tints on a more religious level. I will add a basic structure of what I […]