Do you think a commitment to peace and conflict transformation will help you in future situations? Why or why not?Discuss

Take some time to reflect on the content you most enjoyed and your personal development throughout this course. Then, answer the following questions: 1) Now that you have completed HUMA 1301, how has your understanding of culture developed since the beginning of the semester? 2) Did you discover new works of art that you found […]

. What was your biggest takeaway from the assigned readings by Haidt? Explain. What might his perspective offer out understanding of religion in the United States? Do you notice any shortcomings in his analysis?

Write 100-150 words. Refer only to Haidt document. What was your biggest takeaway from the assigned readings by Haidt? Explain. What might his perspective offer out understanding of religion in the United States? Do you notice any shortcomings in his analysis?

What makes the difference between superstition and true religion, and how does one turn from one to the other? Explain.

Description Spinoza and Lessing both explore how doubt, anxiety, and unstable imagination can give rise to superstitions and conflict, but true religion can bring confidence, empowerment and peace. Drawing from readings assigned in this module, write an essay on the relationship between superstition and true religion in Spinoza and Lessing. In the context of religious […]

Explain.the relationship between superstition and true religion in Spinoza and Lessing. In the context of religious war and persecution, what makes the difference between superstition and true religion, and how does one turn from one to the other? Explain.

Spinoza and Lessing both explore how doubt, anxiety, and unstable imagination can give rise to superstitions and conflict, but true religion can bring confidence, empowerment and peace. Drawing from readings assigned in this module, write an essay on the relationship between superstition and true religion in Spinoza and Lessing. In the context of religious war […]

How does the Baptist/Christian religion having a growing impact on education. Explain your reasoning.

How does the Baptist/Christian religion having a growing impact on education. Explain your reasoning. Length: 1800- 2500 words; 4-5 peer-reviewed journal articles Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level […]

Explain Is there any one aspect of my analysis of Religion in Political Conflict that our examination of Buddhism at War has convinced you needs to be revised or rescinded? Explain in detail, with specific reference to cases we studied in this course.

Suggested Topics: Choose 1 —& state which Topic you have chosen 1. Apply some aspects of my interpretations of Religion in Political Conflict to one of the 3 cases we have studied in detail: the Sri Lankan civil war; Zen and the rise of Japanese militarism; or the Tibetan struggle with the People’s Republic of […]

Discuss the key history and beliefs of the religion and how the religion’s beliefs/customs/celebrations have an impact on marketing and marketing strategy.

A short paper (1,000-1300 words) on how a specific religion (Islam, Christianity, Baha’i, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, etc.) has an impact on marketing. You can choose any religion to write about. Discuss the key history and beliefs of the religion and how the religion’s beliefs/customs/celebrations have an impact on marketing and […]

How do religion and the hook up culture clash, specifically pertaining to abstinence only sexual education?Explain,

Please watch the speech given by Donna Freitas concerning the “Hook Up Culture.” Then, respond to the following 5 questions: 1. What are the main features of the hook up culture, and what does hooking up entail? 2. What perception do most college students have about their peers and this phenomenon? 3. According to Freitas, […]

Write a two to three-paged debate-style “opening statement” in which you provide reasons to believe that science alone cannot provide everything that necessary for living a good human life, and argue instead that religion (including mythology, art, ritual, etc.) is necessary even for those who do not believe in anything supernatural (e.g., God, the afterlife, miracles, etc.). Even if you disagree with this idea, imagine the perspective of someone who agrees and try to make your argument as convincing as possible. Be sure to explain the difference between science and religion, as you understand it.

This journal explores the importance of religion for modern life. Imagine you are debating an atheist who believes we must base our lives only on what can be proven scientifically. (Perhaps you believe this yourself! If so, take up the contrary position for the sake of argument.) Write a two to three-paged debate-style “opening statement” […]