Compare and contrast one “eastern” religion and one “western” religion discussed so far in this course.

Comparing and Contrasting the Common Elements of Religions In a 400-600 word short essay, compare and contrast one “eastern” religion and one “western” religion discussed so far in this course. Using specific examples from the lessons in Unit 1 and Unit 2 to support your conclusions, analyze some of the ways in which these religions […]

Discuss how biases can impact outcomes in selected nursing practice settings. Identify personal biases and attitudes toward people with various cultural, gender, sexual orientation, age, weight, and religions that are different than your own.

Click here for transcript (Links to an external site.) Purpose In today’s current healthcare settings, the increasing diversity, globalization, and expanding technologies produce complex ethical pressures that influence nursing practice and practice outcomes. To be effective in a master’s-prepared advanced nurse practice role it is important to understand personal values, beliefs, strengths, and limitations. The […]

What signs of religion do you see? Discuss the types of churches, mosques, temples? What services are offered by these churches, e.g., Day Care, Mother’s Day Out, Summer Camps, Languages Classes, Citizenship Classes, Food Banks, Clothing, other.

● Boundaries What defines the boundaries? Roads, water, railroads. Is the area known for a particular name? What area is this community located in? ● Housing and Zoning What is the age of the houses? Describe type of construction material, appearance, and general condition. Do you see single family housing? Multi-family housing? ● Common Meeting […]

Explain in what ways these moral demands and requirements are related to the metaphysics and divinities of each of the religions in question.

Description Moral Imperatives of Religion In the last four modules, we have examined some very different religions and some very different systems of ethics and actions proscribed by Daoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, and Zoroastrianism. In this section, clearly explain the moral/action requirements (or lack thereof) of each of these four religions. Relating Ethics and Metaphysics Consider […]

Trace the development of international trade (including in slaves, gold, & silver) & how it affected the development of nation-states, religions, wars, inequality (including racism), hierarchy, & patriarchy

Description Trace the development of international trade (including in slaves, gold, & silver) & how it affected the development of nation-states, religions, wars, inequality (including racism), hierarchy, & patriarchy

Why do fundamentalist and New Age religions want to transform the self and/or society? What techniques do they utilize to gain support and achieve this transformation?Explain.

Sociologists and anthropologists have identified the second half of the 20th century in America as a time of intensified apocalyptic feeling, a time when fundamentalist and New Age religions articulated new visions of world transformation and salvation. Through a comparative analysis of following two case studies answer the following questions: Why do fundamentalist and New […]

Analyze What did you learn from this project about media portrayal of religions? What insights did you gain?

Essay 1, Media analysis. Students should select one article about religion that derives from popular media (newspaper, magazine, online newspaper, reliable TV news source). The information must be topical to *the past 12 months* from the date of the assignment. Once the story has been read/reviewed, please do the following: 1) Give a BRIEF (1 […]