Discuss Which do you feel offers the most in-depth exploration of the Self, and why? Does this shared interest in the Self reflect a distrust of mainstream social and/or religious institutions? If so, which ones and why? 

These answers must be three or more paragraphs (at least 250 words each) in length and use formal writing style (i.e., have grammar, punctuation, and spelling appropriate for university work), including page number citations where appropriate (e.g., where quotations are used). These posts MUST show strong familiarity with both the module readings and discussion lectures […]

Discuss Do you think that IQ tests, despite their biased origins, remain biased even today? Would you advocate for continuing/discontinuing the use of standardized tests (whose origins are closely linked to IQ tests) in admissions to college and graduate school?

Individual Reflection #2 Material covered: Chapters 2 and 3; Preschool in Three Cultures (documentary) 1. In Chapter 2, we discussed the origins of intelligence testing to reveal some of the ways in which they may be biased against racial minority groups, such as asking questions that require cultural knowledge. Drawing on course readings/lecture address the […]

Analyze Puritanism’s connection to the religious tenets of Calvinism by examining the Puritan texts we read this semester. How do texts such as Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity,” and Mary Rowlandson’s captivity narrative reflect Puritanism as a culture, religion, and political belief system? This prompt would perhaps, via the texts we’ve read, focus on explaining such things as the affect such ideas as total depravity, predestination, and limited atonement had on Puritan culture.

Choose one of the following writing prompts below and write a 5-6 double-spaced page essay (1250-1500 words) that fully answers the prompt using literary analysis (argumentation via textual citation). Prompts: * Analyze Puritanism’s connection to the religious tenets of Calvinism by examining the Puritan texts we read this semester. How do texts such as Bradford’s […]

Why were certain people/groups excluded. Were reasons religious, political, racial, social or gender based?Explain.

**Just put the number and answer, not essay mode** 1.Choose A Country- Not the United States 2.Trace that countries sports and games history going back at least to 1800’s. 3.List prominent sports and games for fun, recreation, leagues, professionally within and internationally 4.List who played them by age, gender, race, religion etc. 5.List those excluded. […]

What is free and informed consent from the Catholic perspective?Discuss.

1. What is free and informed consent from the Catholic perspective? 2- Read and summarize ERD paragraphs #: 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 55, 59, 61, 62. All are on attachment named BIOMEDICAL ETHIC. Ethics Religious Directives. Paragraph # 24 see page 13. Paragraphs # 25,26,27,28 see page 14 Paragraphs # 55,59, 61 see page […]

What are the strengths and flaws? Is this useful theory for contemporary society? Why/why not?

Your 2-page paper (Double-spaced. About 800-1000 words) should include all of the below: Proper bibliographic citation, including original date of publication (Example: Durkheim, Emile. 1912. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Pp. 15-27) A statement of the key theme/problem/topic discussed in this Explanation of concepts and propositions made by the author and evidence used by […]

With reference to a particular educational setting (secondary school) explain how salvation, holiness, love of the family and society and the environment have helped develop theological roots to religious education.

With reference to a particular educational setting (secondary school) explain how salvation, holiness, love of the family and society and the environment have helped develop theological roots to religious education. How might these issues be addressed in a directive or policy of one Australian archdiocese in a way that is grounded in ecclesial direction since […]

What is the new “geographic target” in this movement of the book? Trace the development of this theme through this section of Acts. You’ll note a definite transition in the audience of the gospel in these chapters. Trace that transition.

In an essay of 750-1000 words, analyze the thematic development of this second movement of the book of Acts. While this is not an exclusive list, be sure to address the following elements: How does this segment develop the theme of the geographical/ethnic advance of the proclamation of the gospel presented in the key verse […]

Have you ever experienced someone misperceive your cultural identity? Why do you think they misperceived you in the way they did?Discuss.

first assignment:Discussion Question #2: This discussion question relates to the lecture on cultural identities, which focuses on how cultural identities are formed and the multiple cultural identities within each person. The lecture states that culture is described as a group of people who share meaning (meaning such as clothing, food, language, music, beliefs, traditions, rituals, […]