How do these examples of turmoil in, and around, the Church undermine the authority of the Church that dominated Europe for centuries?

HIS-380: Renaissance and Reformation Topic 2: Turmoil in the Church Answer each of the following questions with answers of 200-300 words each. Use the textbook, class materials, and lecture notes to prepare your responses and include APA style citations. Include an APA style reference page at the end of the worksheet. Explain the Babylonian Captivity […]

Why do you think poets have found the sonnet form to be so useful for writing about subjects like love, beauty, life, and death?

The sonnet has been a popular form of poetry in the English language ever since it was introduced in the 1500’s in translations and adaptations from Italian sonnets of the Renaissance period. Compared to some closed forms of poetry, the sonnet seems simple and loose, and poets seem to have enjoyed pushing the boundaries, bending […]

What was the new religious conversion strategy that emerged in Christianity in the 16th century?

Essay Questions: What is meant by the Renaissance? Explain the shift in one’s view of the world that occurred at this time. What is the meaning of humanism and secularism and give an example of each term. Finally, explain why the later Scientific Revolution was a “revolutionary” movement? What was the new religious conversion strategy […]

What do you believe was the purpose for the creation of each of the artifacts you selected?

Lasting Ideas From The Renaissance Assignment In addition to the information presented this week regarding the reasons for the creation of artifacts in each era (the ancient world, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance), recall information about motives for creating artifacts presented earlier in the course as you answer these questions: Identify an artifact that represents […]

What shaped Western culture in the period 1300-1550 more: the Black Death’s emphasis on the afterlife (the hereafter) or the Renaissance’s emphasis on human achievement (the here and now)?

What shaped Western culture in the period 1300-1550 more: the Black Death’s emphasis on the afterlife (the hereafter) or the Renaissance’s emphasis on human achievement (the here and now)? Choose one of these and explain your perspective. Start with a statement identifying your choice; this is your topic. Then, support your choice with specific examples […]

Explain the “how?” and “why?” of Renaissance innovations; and, finally, to explain why there were cultural differences between Southern and Northern Europe during the Renaissance.

Western Civilization – Essay 2 Consider the historic “ingredients” of the Renaissance and explain how and why they led to innovations associated with the Renaissance as well as some sharp differences between Southern and Northern Europe. The Renaissance did not just appear from nowhere. While it does represent a new and distinct period in history, […]

How did musicians create music that fit the uses of the Christian church during these periods

Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Periods Of Music-Provide an informed paper on one of the suggested topics below: Text and music – this might focus on song overall, or a particular kind of song Instrumental Virtuosity Music in the Church – how did musicians create music that fit the uses of the Christian church during these […]

How can fiction, mythology, poetry, and other non-historical sources be useful to a historian? What are some problems with using these types of sources?Describe.

1.) Read the primary source: “Boccaccio” (Attached in additional materials) 2.) Evaluate the primary source by answering the following questions in two or three paragraphs: Who wrote this text? Who was the author’s intended audience? What was his purpose in writing the text? Think about audience and genre. What does this text tell you about […]