Why do Republican-dominated states tend to have higher incarceration rates than Democratic dominated states?

2 Discussion post Find a public setting where you can practice your hand at field observation to answer a question that you find interesting. For example, it could be studying who does and does not properly return shopping carts at a grocery store. Or, are men or women more likely to hold a door open […]

What are major obstacles faced by third-party candidates-Do you think a third party will rise to power anytime soon-Why or why not.

Republican and Democratic Party Comparison Compare and contrast the Republican and Democratic party based on the information you found in the required worksheet. To whom do you think their Web site will most likely appeal, and why? What image are they trying to project for the party (or candidate)? How successful are they in their […]

Did you look at the issues from both sides-present a clear answer to those issues?

You are running for public office in 1860. Your assignment is to research the candidates who represented the Republican and Democratic Parties that year. Find out first of all, what issues these two candidates were dealing with in their campaign. Second, you are to pick a side on which you wish to take a stand. […]

How has your state-congressional district voted in recent presidential and congressional elections?

TEXAS GOVERNMENT: Becoming an Informed Voter – Researching Your Texas Delegation The first part will deal with your legislative district and representative; the second part will deal with your state and senator. Interest group scores may be found at Vote Smart. Document to properly format this essay as you will be required to use formal […]