How does the 2020 presidential campaign compare to past campaigns in American history?

Many Americans have a growing concern about the health of the American political system due to the heightened partisan divisions between Democrats and Republicans, especially during the 2020 presidential campaign. How does the 2020 presidential campaign compare to past campaigns in American history? Is the growing partisan divide anything to be concerned about? Why or […]

Do we uphold the ideals these founders held forth as national priorities for growing a healthy democratic society?

Use this period of eloquence and reason of radical thinkers and the founding fathers of our nation. The readings give insight into the philosophical conversations and rhetorical reasoning that led to the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, and our nation’s Constitution. The origins in early political parties such as the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. As […]

Do we uphold the ideals these founders held forth as national priorities for growing a healthy democratic society?

Use this period of eloquence and reason of radical thinkers and the founding fathers of our nation. The readings give insight into the philosophical conversations and rhetorical reasoning that led to the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, and our nation’s Constitution. The origins in early political parties such as the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. As […]

How is partisanship associated with views about race in the United States? Indicate some ways that Democrats and Republicans differ in their responses to questions about race. (approximately 150-200 words)

Module 3 Answer the following questions Report: Pew Study on Race in America Before beginning this assignment, make certain that you have read Chapter 6 in your text (“Public Opinion and Political Action”). Then read pages 4-16 of the Pew Research Center report, Race in America 2019 (see link below), and write a brief report. […]

How do attitudes about federal government responsibilities differ by age, race, income, and partisanship (Democrats and Republicans)?

Report 3: Changing Public Opinion Before beginning this assignment, make certain that you have read Chapter 6 in your text (“Public Opinion and Political Action”), the 2021 Pew Research Center Report titled “Americans See Broad Responsibilities for Government: Little Change Since 2019” (March 17), and the 2020 article by Eli Finkel et al. from Science […]

What are the primary areas of difference between contemporary Democrats-Republicans-How are the two parties similar?

This essay is comprised of two components. The essay must be at least 1000 words overall.Include a works cited page as well. Part One: Begin by completing the following political ideology quizzes: Advocates for Self Government a libertarian website: Pew Research Center for People & the Press: Next, analyze the results. Do you […]

What are three current political issues of importance to this party-Give specific, well-developed examples.

Internet Activity 3 America has an interesting assortment of minor political parties. Use this Directory of U.S. Political Parties and select two Third Parties (NOT Democrats or Republicans) from the list that you would like to learn more about. Choose at least one of the “Big Three” Third Parties. Explore their sites and answer […]

What, according to Klein is among the major reasons for climate change denial by Republicans-other conservatives?

Prompts Choose 1: What, according to Klein is among the major reasons for climate change denial by Republicans and other conservatives? What is it that they fear about “the climate-change hoax?” What about this conservative story regarding climate change does Klein believe is correct? (Note: not all conservatives or Republicans deny climate change.) In the […]

What solution to the issue are the Democrats proposing-What solution to the issue are the Republicans proposing? Fully describe each parties’ solution and support your description with cited evidence.

Debt Ceiling Question : The Federal Government faces a shutdown of all but essential services this Friday if a solution to the issue of raising the debt ceiling or some other budget solution is reached. In your paper, address the following: What is the debt ceiling and what is the current issue with the debt […]

Who are leading candidates for the Democrats, and Republicans-Are there any third party candidates who might have any impact on this race?

Who are leading candidates for the Democrats, and Republicans? Are there any third party candidates who might have any impact on this race? What are national issues that will impact this race? How will Trump affect this race? Who is going to win this race and why?