Can you recall the reasoning process that you went through in  reaching a resolution?

Describe an ethical dilemma that you have had to deal with at some point in your life. Preferably choose one that relates to your work, but if you can only think of one outside of work, then describe that. How did you resolve the ethical dilemma? Can you recall the reasoning process that you went […]

How do they deceive others-why do they deceive others Resolution & (optional)

FRQ3 Essay Choose a novel or play (Hamlet) in which a character deceives others. Then, in a well-written essay, analyze the motives for that character’s deception and discuss how the deception contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole. Prompt Breakdown: Topic: “a character who intentionally deceives others”identify a character that lies to, […]

Describe the outcome of the situation-whether-not it contributed to a healthy work environment-culture of safety.

Describe a situation in the workplace that pertained to team effectiveness and culture of safety that you either observed or were a part of and how the nurse manager or leader responded. Identify appropriate and inappropriate behaviors that were manifested. What principles of conflict resolution were observed? Describe the outcome of the situation and whether […]

Assess the resolution that your ethical decision making approach suggests for this issue. How valid is the resolution that is suggested by the approach?

Evaluate different approaches to ethical decision making. Analyze the approach you feel works best in resolving ethical dilemmas. Identify an ethical issue. You may use the same issue you used in the first assessment. Once you have chosen the ethical approach you feel is best, apply it to your identified issue. Assess the resolution that […]

Describe the conflict and the resolution

To begin, locate Appendix 9.1 in your course text. Take the Conflict Management Style Survey, and then complete the Bar Graph and Interpretation sections. After that is completed, write a short paper including the following: Part 1: Results (describe your results on the survey in a paragraph or two) Part 2: Scenario (describe a time […]