Analyze why and how the resource will be applicable to your field of study/chosen topic (at least 3 complete sentences).

The resources chosen should be related (a common theme or topic). Each annotation must include a summary of at least 5 complete sentences, which summarizes the resource. Additionally, you will analyze why and how the resource will be applicable to your field of study/chosen topic (at least 3 complete sentences). Use scholarly “voice,” adhering to […]

Explain Are any of your assigned resources “over-utilized”? If so, which ones, and why? What, if any are the cost implications of your resource assignments? Now that you have viewed the resource report, would you make any changes to your resource assignment? If so, what would you change? If you would not make changes, explain your rationale.

Examine each activity in your project schedule and attach a name from the list of resource names from your resource sheet. Ensure that all activities in your project are resourced. Upon completion, your Project Libre file should look similar to the resourced office relocation project example, as follows: Office Relocation Example_resource_assignments.pod After assigning resources, click […]