What are some important disadvantages or limitations of out sourcing for restaurants?

Explain the meaning of the phrase “Hours versus ours.” What advantages are there when restaurants outsource? What are some important disadvantages or limitations of out sourcing for restaurants? Do you consider restaurant outsourcing to be dishonest? Unethical? Explain. Does restaurant outsourcing increase capacity? Explain.

What measure of central tendency is more appropriate to describe “Sales/SqFt”? Why?

Statistics Analysis In preparation for writing your report to senior management next week, conduct the following descriptive statistics analyses with Microsoft® Excel®. Answer the questions below in your Microsoft® Excel® sheet or in a separate Microsoft® Word document: Insert a new column in the database that corresponds to “Annual Sales.” Annual Sales is the result […]

What can small restaurants do about the problem? What are their options to address the killer forces?

Read this article and answer the following questions: 1. Conducting a Five Forces analysis of the restaurant industry. Now why, looking at this analysis, is the profitability of restaurants generally pretty low? (hint: What are the killer forces in the Five Forces model of Porter for restaurants? Which force does food-delivery apps represent for the […]