Are the independent, dependent, and control variables clear and appropriate? Does the experiment actually address the hypothesis?Discuss

Is this an experiment that relates substantively to PHY 111? (You can make the connection clear in your introduction.) Are the independent, dependent, and control variables clear and appropriate? Does the experiment actually address the hypothesis? Was the experiment carried out with appropriate measurements and precision? Is a thorough and accurate understanding of the relevant […]

Exactly how would you gather and analyze your data? How would you deal with the possible sources of error that might contaminate your results?

Assume you want to know if residents in a residential facility you are involved with are satisfied with living conditions and administration of the facility. Design a survey to get the information you want to obtain. Note especially Chapter 11 in your text. Exactly how would you gather and analyze your data? How would you […]

If you scored below 60 and desire to become a leader, what might you do to increase your readiness to lead?Discuss.

Answer these questions in the short paragraph. I also attach my self-assessment result. Please use this attachment and answer the following questions based on my scores, and read all relating definitions in the assessment for a better understanding 1. Do you agree with your results? 2. If you scored below 60 and desire to become […]

Do the results support (not “prove”) the hypothesis or not? If you could do the experiment again, what would you do differently, and why?Discuss.

An Introduction, describing the experiment done. Include background on the organisms being used, the enzyme being tested, the method being used, and the reasons for doing the experiment (=what question is being answered). Also include the clearly stated hypothesis (=an if-then statement, not a question, that predicts what will happen in a specific situation). (between […]

What were the results (elaborate) and what do these results affect our society, and the way we think about media & gender? (it’s important to write a good discussion here)

PART I 1. from your textbook table of contents locate & read chapter 1 (edition 11 of the book). . 2. Provide 11 main points from the reading. Include main points from the beginning, middle & end of the reading. Be sure to include in-text citations from the textbook reading, with page numbers, for each […]