What is your preferred learning style-How is online learning impacted by your learning style?

Learning Strategies and Learning Styles Written Assignment Answer the following: What are your biggest areas of concern you have that pertain to learning while taking online college courses? Describe at least 2 concerns. Give explanation and supporting details as to why you have these concerns. What is your preferred learning style? How is online learning […]

Explain steps that health care managers can take to minimize job burnout and turnover among their health care professionals (thereby reducing turnover and increasing retention)

Write a 2- to 3-page paper (excluding the title page and reference page(s)) using APA 7th Edition Format and Style. The topic of your paper is ‘managing health care professionals’ include the following points in your paper: Explain the following terms in your own words (remember to cite your references correctly using APA 7th Ed) […]

What aspects of the total rewards program are most important to you? Why?

HRM W4: Pay & Compensation W4 Discussion: Discuss the total rewards program (i.e., compensation and employee benefits) in place at your most recent or current place of employment. How are changes in compensation communicated to employees? For example, do you understand how your employer determines your base compensation for the job that you hold, as […]