Assign a list of actual NCAA revenues and expenses to the correct category/area.

Week 6: Revenue and Expense Complete the Revenue & Expense exercise. This includes two parts. Part 1: There are 5 definitions, select the term that matches the definition. Part 2: Assign a list of actual NCAA revenues and expenses to the correct category/area. You will also use excel formulas to calculate subtotals, totals, and net […]

why do you prefer this model over others?

Revenue model Review chapter 3 of your class text go through different review models for ebusiness. Based on insight you learn from this chapter, what do you envision to your revenue model for your eCommerce business will be? and why do you prefer this model over others? Post a paragraph your reasoning behind your decision.

Is the accountant in trouble-Does the taxpayer have any possible penalty exposure?

ESSAY 9 John is a writer who writes children’s books. John asks the accountant to file his income tax returns. He hands the accountant approximately $400 worth of restaurant bills. He tells the accountant that the receipts are for deductible business meals. The accountant does not inquire further and files a return claiming the meals […]

What was the corporation’s net sales, cost of goods sold-gross profit?

Paper 2 Respond to one or more question(s) from each of the three categories below. Category: Revenue and Net Income 1. What was the corporation’s net sales, cost of goods sold, and gross profit? 2.  What was the corporate tax rate?  [Hint: divide income tax expense by income before income taxes] 3.  What was the […]

What happens to the journal entries when recorded into the accounting system-What do they accomplish?

Acct 1 Provide a summary of the accounting concepts learned through the readings and practice quizzes for this week.  Demonstrate your understanding of the week’s concepts. How do journal entries ensure the basic accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity) stays in balance? What happens to the journal entries when recorded into the accounting […]

Do you believe that grouping expenses by diagnosis and procedures (based on type of services provided) is better to use for control and planning than grouping expenses by care setting (based on location of service provided)?

3.1 Discussion Question Do you believe that grouping expenses by diagnosis and procedures (based on type of services provided) is better to use for control and planning than grouping expenses by care setting (based on location of service provided)? This is related to Healthcare Finance. (Chapter 6 discusses Expenses (Outflows) – Expenses are the costs […]

What guidelines will you develop for supervisors to successfully respond to employee questions about unionization? What can your supervisors say-do that is legally permissible in this situation?

THIS IS A DISCUSSION POST JUST FYI You are the Human Resources manager for large distribution site. Your recent employee opinion survey indicated that overall, employees felt that this was a good place to work. However, recent downturns in the economy have resulted in the loss of large contracts, which provided a significant portion of […]

What are the expected values for the two capacity options? (do the calculations for each option). After you completed the calculations, update the decision tree to present your results.

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems 1.Determine the two capacity options that Mr. House is considering (clearly describe each capacity option and identify the fixed cost and the variable cost for each scenario). 2. Calculate the indifference point for the two capacity options. 3. Calculate the break-even point 4. Draw the decision tree for the capacity decision 5. If […]

Give types of assumptions required for the financial portion of a business plan

Description Answer all of the following questions using the attached business plan and any other references you consider to be appropriate.Types of assumptions required for the financial portion of a business plan typically answers to the following questions: Typical Income Statement Assumption Information Requirements: • What types of revenue? • How many services will be […]