What are the current website features And what types of these features can be annoying to customers? Provide pictures.

E-commerce Project (Part A) Requirement: In this project, you are required to evaluate one of the websites below based on what you learn from this course and your perspective. The evaluation will cover the different aspects of E-commerce such as business idea, website design, marketing, security … etc. You will need to analyze the business […]

Are you willing to explore ways of enhancing your skills and abilities or are you only prepared to exploit your current strengths for the rest of your career?

Organizations always speak of growth and higher revenues, however, many still fail. Look at Toys R Us and Sears. So what happened? Didn’t they have smart people with broad skills? Why did they miss the mark? In many cases, it is found that the leaders become complacent or they do not truly assess the market […]

What are the ethical considerations of (a) the president’s request and (b) Zoe dating the adjusting entries December 31?

Assignment Instructions Respond thoroughly to the following questions in your PowerPoint presentation: Who are the stakeholders in this situation? What are the ethical considerations of (a) the president’s request and (b) Zoe dating the adjusting entries December 31? Can Zoe accrue revenues, defer expenses, and still be ethical? Can Zoe’s accrued revenues and deferred expenses […]

What did they like or not like about your product or service-What you learned by interviewing customers?

Final Presentation Description of the Business; product or service offered with image Trends to which you are responding PESTLE Analysis (1 or 2 slides) Target Market Personas (try to fit all on one slide or just include one) Results of your customer interviews. What did they like or not like about your product or service? […]

Would it be better to use patient revenues or the number of bills generated?

Cost Allocation Review the below question and answer with two opinions. Opinion 1 Opinion 2 Indirect costs must be allocated to assign them to activities that caused them to be incurred. A significant indirect cost in Health Services organizations is the cost of Financial Services. To allocate these costs would it be better to use […]

What are the key banking services under lifeline banking for low-income individuals?

Maximum Marks (10 Marks) What are the alternative maturity strategies for managing Investment Portfolios?[2Marks] What are the key banking services under lifeline banking for low-income individuals? [2Marks] Explain non-deposit sources of funds.[3Marks] Suppose a banking company decides to add insurance services to its existing products menu It expects to earn a 15 percent average return […]

What is the company standard deviation of returns?

Assignment Questions: A company had cash and marketable securities worth $200,000 accounts payables worth $51,000, inventory of $1,501,500, accounts receivables of $5,288,128, short-term notes payable worth $220,000, other current liabilities of 100,000, and other current assets of $121,800. Calculate the company net working capital and describe how managers manage the firm working capital. (2 Marks) […]

Compared to competing teams in the same league, how do these revenues rank how many teams are in the league, and where does your favorite team fall on the chart in each perspective year?

Week 3 – Textbook Discussions and Problems This assignment is for Sports Economics class Chapter 3 Discussion Questions – 1 Problems – 3.4 and 3.7 Additional Questions 1. Locate your favorite team and find its 2019, 2020, and 2021 revenues. Compared to competing teams in the same league, how do these revenues rank how many […]

Distinguish between a balance sheet, a profit and loss (or income) statement and a statement of cash flows.

Health economics • Distinguish between a balance sheet, a profit and loss (or income) statement and a statement of cash flows. • Identify the five major accounting categories – assets, liabilities, owner’s equity, revenues and expenses – and give examples of these. • Apply a working knowledge of the doctrines and conventions of accounting – […]

Discuss how they could be used to ethically drive e-commerce (sales and revenue) in a sector-company of your choosing.

Trends in E- Commerce The immediate future is finding new ways for e-commerce and marketing to drive traffic and revenues. Let’s preview what’s in store: What is next for digital marketing in 2021? https://mention.com/en/blog/whats-next-for-digital-marketing-in-2021/ Shopping becomes personal and on-demand https://thedigitallifeindex.publicissapient.com/industry-insights/shopping 7 Major Marketing Trends for 2021 https://candorpr.com/7-major-marketing-trends-2021/ 4 Major Marketing Trends for 202 and Beyond […]