How does Vigee-Lebrun represent herself differently in each portrait?

First, read the text covering Vigee-Lebrun’s Portraiture: Vigee Lebrun, Portraitist Then, use the Vigee-Lebrun comparison images in the module to write an approximately 250-word essay comparing her pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary portrait. After the Revolution rococo art went out of style and was associated with the vanquished former monarchy. It was no longer fashionable for men […]

What did the Revolution mean to different groups of Americans?

Ensure you have read Colonial Society (Chapter 4) and The American Revolution (Chapter 5) in the American Yawp textbook and all of the following primary sources: Boston trader Sarah Knight on her travels in Connecticut, 1704 Eliza Lucas Letters, 1740-1741 Jonathan Edwards Revives Enfield, Connecticut, 1741 Samson Occom describes his conversion and ministry, 1768 Extracts […]

What extent did politics complicate the issue of slavery in both the American colonies and the United States after the Revolution? How did politicians and political acts impact, expand, or limit the institution of slavery throughout its existence in North America?

The questions are: To what extent did politics complicate the issue of slavery in both the American colonies and the United States after the Revolution? How did politicians and political acts impact, expand, or limit the institution of slavery throughout its existence in North America? Construct an essay where you evaluate and ultimately judge the […]

What are the preferences of the students in ECON6003 concerning risks and role of the state?

Environmental Economics Research Questions: Q1. What are the preferences of the students in ECON6003 concerning risks and role of the state? Q2. What is the implication of your answer to Q1, on the class’s attitude towards UK’s ‘Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution’ (henceforth TPP)? Through the completion of the essay you are […]

Why-how has human resources changed due to the technology revolution? If you were asked to define HRIS, what would be your response?

Why and how has human resources changed due to the technology revolution? If you were asked to define HRIS, what would be your response? To help develop your response, you will want to search the Internet or our library for some of the technologies that have changed the technology in HR over the last 50 […]

What made them revolutionary or why were they not?- Make sure to consider the entirety of the Age of Revolution

Argumentative Essay In an essay (500-word minimum), respond to one (1) of the following essay prompts. Make sure to make an argument (topic statement) that you will prove throughout the essay. Use evidence from the readings and videos provided in the course content folder. Make sure to cite any direct quotations or paraphrases from these […]

Analyze why the Boston Tea Party is often credited with precipitation the American Revolution and the signing of the Declaration of Independence in July 1776

The Essay needs to answer the question: “Analyze why the Boston Tea Party is often credited with precipitation the American Revolution and the signing of the Declaration of Independence in July 1776”. the information needs to come from the attached document.