List specific problems which make life difficult for each of the three groups within the Third Estate.

ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS: Using the primary sources in the French Revolution folder and chapter 19, answer the following questions. What problems were faced by each of the groups within the Third Estate? List specific problems which make life difficult for each of the three groups within the Third Estate. Explain those problems: specific details of how […]

Define a “revolution” in science, industry, business, music, art, theater, or some other field—consider where you intend to focus your efforts beyond high school for your ideas.

Write an essay in which you define a “revolution” in science, industry, business, music, art, theater, or some other field—consider where you intend to focus your efforts beyond high school for your ideas. Be sure to research your topic thoroughly (remember to include a “Reference” page for your APA paper; you must include three credible […]

Discuss.To what extent did the American Revolution change this? Based on your reading of Ira Berlin’s Generations of Captivity, do you think slavery was, in fact, one “institution” in this period of time?

ANSWER THREE QUESTIONS: 1. In the decades prior the Civil War, slavery came to be called “the peculiar institution” meaning peculiar to/unique to the South. To what extent do you think it is accurate to analyze slavery in the southern colonies in the colonial and Revolutionary eras as a “peculiar institution”? 2. In what sense […]

What was the role of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense in promoting the movement for independence?

American Revolution: Address What were the key causes of the American Revolution? What factors contributed to an American victory? What was the role of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense in promoting the movement for independence? What were the affects after the American revolution? What were the colonies like after the American revolution? To what extent did […]

Discuss,Would men still be living in caves today in the event there was no Neolithic revolution?

Unit Plan Outline Central Focus Narrative: Big Idea 1: Large scale farming from Neolithic times Big Idea 2: Shelter construction concept from Neolithic era How would agriculture be today if Neolithic revolution never happened? Would men still be living in caves today in the event there was no Neolithic revolution? Did the Neolithic era have […]

Discuss,What were these negative consequences and what evidence does Diamond use to defend his position? Do you agree with Diamond? Why or why not? In what ways did human beings benefit from the agricultural revolution?

In his article, “The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race,” author Jared Diamond contends that the agricultural revolution resulted in a number of negative consequences for humankind. What were these negative consequences and what evidence does Diamond use to defend his position? Do you agree with Diamond? Why or why not? In […]

Who was Sigmund Freud? Why is he such an important figure and what was the revolution that he represented?

Chapter 2, The Freudian Revolution (Chapter 33) (please answer questions in complete sentences.) Book uploaded. 1)Who was Sigmund Freud? Why is he such an important figure and what was the revolution that he represented? 2)What are the differences between Freudian and Jungian theory? 3)According to Tripartite Psyche, what does the “superego” represent? 4)What, according to […]