Do you think the premises provided are sufficient to support the conclusion, or do you think more or better evidence could be provided?

Question For Writing Assignment 3, you will be given one of your classmate’s papers to review. You will need to write a one-page evaluation for them. In your evaluation you should: Identify what you think the primary argument is. Can you easily identify an issue statement? If so, what do you think it is? Evaluate […]

What were your reactions to the Critical Thinking about Identity survey and the kinds of questions that are asked?

READ the Project Prompt/Instructions Links to an external site. Look over this document, “Critical Thinking About Identity” There are no answers to this survey and there are no results. It’s just an exercise in meta-cognition . Take some time to think about the questions and reflect on your answers. READ the 4 links in the […]

How does the structure and the detail elements of the article help achieve its purpose?

Rhetorical Analysis: The Persuasive Art of Commencement Speeches Assignment Purpose: According to Laura Bolin Carroll, rhetoric is “the way we use language and images to persuade.” From political parties to Instagram to the five seconds of advertisement you have to suffer through before the “skip ad” link becomes active on YouTube, it’s easy to see […]

What circumstances inform the artifact(s)’s construction, reception, circulation, and so on?

Using the artifact(s) you will work with all second half of the semester, you are asked to choose any method we have discussed this year that is appropriate for your artifact. In this part of the assignment, write a proposal in which you: one, describe or provide a summary of and rationale for your artifact(s); […]

Analyze a speech and discuss how the piece you select uses rhetoric to manipulate its audience to achieve its purpose.

Rhetorical Analysis Rhetoric is everywhere. Songs, poems, articles, speeches, etc. are filled with rhetorical devices that are used to elicit some type of response from readers and viewers. We need to be conscious of the way these devices are employed to persuade, change, and/or manipulate our thinking so that we can make our own informed […]

What is the connoted iconic message(s) [that is, those messages that are symbolic or beyond face value] and how does that connoted message connect to or derive from the denoted message?

Topic: Project 3: Semiotic Analysis Attempt a semiotic analysis of an advertising image (or film poster) following the model of Roland Barthes’ “Rhetoric of the Image.” The overall goal is to identify what the message of the image is and what ideas it is using to “sell” its product. In your analysis, make sure that […]

Which speaker was the stronger speaker in their ability to use the five canons of rhetoric and the three rhetorical appeals? Why do you believe so?

Compare & Contrast You are to view two different speakers giving a speech on the same topic. You will examine the speaker’s use of the five canons of rhetoric: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery. How effective is the speaker in keeping in mind the topic, audience, and occasion. Pay attention to the speaker’s use […]

Write a two-page analysis of the rhetoric devices (pathos, logos, ethos) used in the video.

Video analysis Paper This link is to a video made in the 1950s. It is about the prominent conspiracy theory of that time–the threat of communism taking over the world. Write a two-page analysis of the rhetoric devices (pathos, logos, ethos) used in the video. Begin the paper with an introduction. End the introduction with […]

Describe and discuss the concept of Microcredit as it is applied in developing countries.

Micro Credits Research and analyze Micro-Credit as a source of capital for economic and social development in under developed countries. Microcredit was once extolled by world leaders as a powerful tool that could help eliminate poverty, through loans as small as $50 to cowherds, basket weavers and other poor people for starting or expanding businesses. […]